Control of Communicable and Noncommunicable Disease

Control of Communicable and Noncommunicable Disease
         Control of Communicable and                        Noncommunicable Disease

Control of Communicable and Noncommunicable Disease

1st discussion: From Public Health 101, page 149: “Your hometown of 100,000 is faced with a crisis as an airplane lands containing a passenger thought to have a new form of severe influenza that has recently gained the ability to spread from person to person through airborne transmission. As the mayor of the city, what do you decide to do?” Why? Be sure to justify your decision. Be sure to address the following:

  • What is your initial focus for disease control?
  • What other healthcare disciplines would you include on your team? Why?
  • What information is important to collect and from whom? Why?

need 2 pages and 3 reference sources

2nd discussion: The Healthcare Workforce
In this discussion, examine the current increase in longevity within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What impact will this aging of the nation have on the current and future healthcare system? What plans does the Kingdom have in place to meet these demands now and for the long-term?

need 2 pages and 3 reference sources

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