Coriolanus Movie Essay Assignment

Coriolanus Movie Essay
 Coriolanus Movie Essay

Coriolanus Movie Essay

Lesson Eight Assignment
Answer the following question with a 600-800 word essay. Be sure to refer to specific scenes and passages in formulating your answers,be as detailed as

Coriolanus in the House of Aufidius. Act 4, scenes 4 and 5. These two scenes are really one scene, and can be so regarded. Coriolanus, in disguise, visits
the house of Aufidius, his mortal enemy. Discuss this scene in some detail, and consider how it reflects on the character of Coriolanus as we have seen it
thus far in the play.

Ask yourself some questions as you prepare to write:

  • Why does Coriolanus come to the house of Aufidius?
  • Why does he visit the Volscians at all?
  • What reasons does he give for his own behavior?
  • What is the role of the servants in this scene?
  • How does Coriolanus interact with them?
  • How does Aufidius greet Coriolanus?
  • How does Coriolanus greet Aufidius?
  • How, in general, would you describe the relationship of Aufidius and Coriolanus?

Please remember that these questions are meant as encouragements to thought,your essay should not be a simple list of answers.

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