Correlations between Loneliness and Depression

Correlations between Loneliness and Depression Critical Thinking

Type a 300-word essay addressing the following topic and upload your submission by the deadline in the class calendar.

Correlations between Loneliness and Depression
Correlations between Loneliness and Depression

Your submission must be either in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) or in portable document format (.pdf).

Correlations between Loneliness and Depression

Research conducted by Cacioppo and colleagues (described on page 300 in the textbook) suggests a relationship between loneliness and depression. The results of this study are correlational and do not demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship. However, further research conducted by Cacioppo and Colleagues indicates that loneliness contributes to depression, not vice-versa. Based on what you have learned about correlations, what could be another explanation for the relationship between loneliness and depression? Specifically, describe a third variable that explains the relationship between loneliness and depression.

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