Create a Challenge Case Assignment Paper

Create a Challenge Case
Create a Challenge Case

Create a Challenge Case

Similar to the challenge case presented in each chapter of your book (Modern Management Concepts and Skills 14th edition), you are being asked the following:
1) Identify a relevant, recent article from a credible news source.
2) Provide the title, author, date of publication and include a direct link.
3) Create 5 questions to ask your (imaginary students). (Look at the management skill exercises at the end of the chapter for examples).
4) Answer the questions. Each answer must be at least 4 sentences long. (5 paragraphs).

Part 2
S.W.O.T. Analysis
Create a SWOT analysis for a non-profit organization of your choice.
You may use NAECHY or any other non-profit such as Habitat for Humanity or any SJU sponsored organization.
After you complete the SWOT, provide 4 paragraphs explaining the rationale behind the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. (1 paragraph for each).

Part 3
1) List and explain the 4 management functions.
2) List the 7 skills managers need to perform tasks. Rank the most important to least important (your opinion) and provide rationale and reasoning as to your methodology. There should be at least 4 paragraphs.
3) Summarize the primary advantages and disadvantages regarding planning. In your opinion, what is the principal advantage of planning? What is the principal disadvantage?
4) What are the risks and rewards of operating a multi-national organization? (1 paragraph).
5) List 5 ways that you would promote diversity in an organization. How would you control your efforts to make sure they were successful? (1 paragraph).
6) How can society help businesses meet social obligations? (1 paragraph)
7) Describe the main components of entrepreneurship? (1 paragraph)

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