Criminal Justice Theories and Consequences of the Problem

Criminal Justice Theories and Consequences of the Problem Select a criminal justice topic/problem to define, describe the scope and consequences of the problem, interpret the issue with a criminological theory, and assess society’s responses to the problem (including public policies and other less formal responses).

Criminal Justice Theories and Consequences of the Problem
Criminal Justice Theories and Consequences of the Problem

Papers should also present a clearly reasoned alternative that is supported by scholarly research.

Criminal Justice Theories and Consequences of the Problem

The ten (10-12) papers: Includes a cover page, content page, abstract page, references page and the body of research.

While the following example can be modified to suit your needs, using this outline as a guide will likely result in a high-quality final paper:

Criminal Justice Theories and Consequences of the Problem Abstract

What is the topic problem? Which theory best explains the issue?

Why does this problem qualify as a criminal justice issue?

What are the individual and social implications of this problem? Discussion of implications should be supported by accurate research data.

What do the experts say about the problem?

What have we, as a society, done about this problem? Again, consider public policies and other, less formal responses.

How is this working?

Describe an alternative.

Discuss why the alternative is or can be, an effective response to the problem. Remember to consider the negative consequences of the alternative response.

Conclude with reflections and thoughts about your chosen social problem. This is a good place to include personal opinions, assuming you wish to share them in a research paper.

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