Criminology and the Consequences of Labeling Theory

Criminology and the Consequences of Labeling Theory Please answer 2 of 4 questions in essay format.

Criminology and the Consequences of Labeling Theory
Criminology and the Consequences of Labeling Theory

Each question should be submitted in a typed, double-spaced format. Think of each answer as a short paper that is 250 to 700 words in length (1 to 2 pages). Each answered question is worth 20 points. You may do one extra question to add up to 5 points to your final grade. You may use any source available to you. However, all answers can be done utilizing your textbook. Good luck.

  1. What is labeling theory? What are the consequences of labeling on the individual? Make sure to include the concepts of primary and secondary deviance.
  2. What are the similarities and differences of life course and latent trait theories?
  3. Define the General Theory of Crime. Which theorist is this theory attributed to and what is the foundation.
  4. Describe the General Theory of Crime and Delinquency (this is different from above). What are the domains and how do they impact on crime?

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