Critical analysis Essay Writing Assistance

Critical analysis Essay
Critical analysis Essay

Critical analysis Essay

Critical Analysis
Word limit: 900 words

To complete the critical analysis, use the image provided (available from Learn online) or with the approval of your tutor, choose an image of your choice (this image must be connected to the area/s you are studying on your degree). Include your image with the submission of your assessment.

Present a 900 word critical analysis by addressing the points below in relation to the news image provided or the image you have chosen:
1. Who is the target audience for the image and how can you tell?
2. What are the most important signifiers within the image? (hint: think about position, size, angle, colour, etc.)
3. Drawing upon the signifiers you have identified within the image, using the terms denotation and connotation, explain the meanings you make from these signifies.
4. Explain how ethos, pathos and logos is being used within the advert
5. What is the overall message conveyed by this image?

How to structure this assessment:

Use the questions above as a subheading, followed by your answers

1. Please remember that you are only analysing one image for this assignment

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