Critical Perspective on Korean Education System

Critical Perspective on Korean Education System This capstone project is an opportunity to increase your depth of knowledge about a topic related to your BAILS/BAS/BIS emphasis and to examine, from a critical perspective, an issue which in education addresses, “relationships between the psychological, social, cultural, and political components of communities.” Specifically:
Articulate the impact of societal institutions on the experiences and needs of individuals, groups, and/or organizations.

Critical Perspective on Korean Education System
Critical Perspective on Korean Education System

Use discipline specific tools and theories to investigate issues of power, status, and inequality. Critically analyze the treatment of race, gender, and ethnicity in selected societies.

Critical Perspective on Korean Education System and Society Policymaking

Describe the formation and durability of political, economic, and social organizing principles and their differences and similarities across contexts.
Assess the political, economic, and social trade-­offs reflected in individual decisions and societal policymaking and enforcement.

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