Critical Review on Human Sexual Diversity You required to write a critical review essay of an agreed-upon feature of sexual or gendered diversity, with a special focus on:

(i) its contemporary conceptualization and measurement, (ii) its likely causal origins and substrates (e.g., genetic, physiological, neurological, cognitive, developmental, and cultural), and (iii) its most important psychological consequences – for personal mental health, romantic relationships, family life, the workplace, broader society, etc.
The essay should not exceed a maximum of 3,000 words. This includes references cited in the text, ut excludes the title page and the reference section at the end of the essay.
Formatting Requirements:
1. Font size: 12pt
2. Font type: Arial or Time New Roman are the usual font types
3. Line spacing: 1.5 space
4. Include page numbers
5. Include Title page (with Module ID and title, Coursework number and title, Word count, and student
6. Include Reference List (at the end, starting on a separate page)
7. Typically, the essay should include an introductory paragraph; a section on contemporary
conceptualization and measurement of your chosen feature of sexual or gendered diversity; a section on the causal origins and substrates (e.g. genetic, physiological, neurological, cognitive, developmental, and cultural) of your chosen feature of sexual or gendered diversity; a section on the most important psychological consequences (for personal mental health, romantic relationships, family life, the workplace, broader society, etc.) of your chosen feature of sexual or gendered diversity; and a conclusion paragraph.