Critical Thinking Data Recovery Plan

Critical Thinking Data Recovery Plan
 Critical Thinking Data Recovery Plan

Critical Thinking Data Recovery Plan

In this assignment, you assume the role of an employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company. The company has been asked to recover blueprint files from a hard disk that a disgruntled employee reformatted. The computer is an ordinary laptop that was running Windows, and no backup is available.

You can use a few built-in tools to recover deleted files from a Windows operating system (OS). However, there are also third-party tools that might be helpful. Before beginning any data recovery endeavor, it is a good idea to research your options and plan your approach.


For this assignment, you are to:

Locate two third-party tools that will assist you in the data recovery. Write a professional report that includes a data recovery plan outline, listing the steps to be performed and the Windows and third-party tools to be used, in recovering the data in the order of importance.
Your report is required to be 4-5 pages in length. Your report must adhere to the Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.

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