Critical Thinking Exercise Available Here

Critical Thinking Exercise
               Critical Thinking Exercise

Critical Thinking Exercise

For the Week 4 Critical Thinking Exercise, you will review the actual cases of Rockstad v. Global Finance & Investment Co., 41 P.3d 583 (Alaska 2002) and Wessells v. State of Alaska, Department of Highways, 562 P.2d 1042 (Alaska 1977). You can review the case by clicking both of the following links: and
Generally, a tenant must pay the rent even if he or she refuses to occupy the property or moves out, as long as the refusal or the move is unjustifiable and the lease is in force. In these cases, the Alaska Supreme Court interpreted rent-payment default and notice provisions in a commercial lease. After reading the case, you will respond with answers to the following questions using your critical thinking and moral reasoning skills:

Explain how the legal principles expressed in the Wessells case apply to the facts and issues of the Rockstad case.
Identify the basis for the disagreement between the majority and the dissent in the Rockstad case.
What are the conclusions and supporting arguments for each position?
Describe how the holding, in this case, is of interest to landlords who want their tenants to make timely payments of rent.
In a case such as Rockstad, should the relative size of the business affect a court’s interpretation of a lease’s terms? Why or why not?

Your response to the exercise questions should be a minimum of 150 words. Going over the minimum word length requirement is acceptable; however, I am not looking for 1000+ words! It is suggested that you use MS Word or another word processing application that can check spelling/grammar and can show the word count.
You are expected to properly cite ( and incorporate scholarly/peer-reviewed sources ( in your Critical Thinking Exercise topic/posts.

Be as thorough as possible when writing your Critical Thinking Exercise topic/posts, and remember, this is an academic assignment, so no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS… don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade.

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