Critical thinking habits of mind
Individual Exercises explain the mistake. Here are six misconceptions about critical thinking habits of mind or critical thinking skills. Write a brief explanation of why each is wrong.
1. Calling on people to be systematic means that everyone must think the same way.
2. Critical thinking habits of mind are always positive.
3. People with a strong desire to be analytical have the skill to foresee the consequences of options and events.
4. People who have not taken a course in critical thinking cannot have strong critical thinking skills.
5. Critical thinking is applying the six critical thinking skills in their proper order one after the other.
6. Self-monitoring and self-correcting are unnecessary skills when your ideas are right in the first place.
Reflective Log
Mark Twain is reported to have said, “ I have never let my schooling interfere with my education”. Connect that sentiment with “The experts worried that school might be harmful!
Should K-12 schooling be designed to prevent students from learning to think critically for themselves? Why or why not?
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