Critical Thinking Worldviews Assignment
Order Instructions:
1. Answer the following questions in 2 clearly separate parts I, II (500 words).
2. Be sure to answer every question.
3. Meeting the minimum word count as required for each part (I, II) is important.
a. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count
b. Direct quotations should be short and limited
4. Quotations and material used from other sources should be cited using current APA formatting (whichever corresponds to your degree program).
5. Check your work for spelling and grammatical errors.
6. Be sure to do your own work, do not plagiarize.
I. Part One: (250 words)
1. Select ONE of the worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) that have been considered in the course content.
2. Using course content and/or sources outside of the course, complete the following-
How would the worldview that you selected answer:
i. The Question of Origin –
ii. The Question of Identity –
iii. The Question of Meaning/Purpose –
iv. The Question of Morality –
v. The Question of Destiny –
II. Part Two: (250 words)
1. Compare and contrast your selected worldview’s answers (as given in Part One) to a Biblical/Christian worldview.
2. Do not just copy and paste, but you may wish to refer back to your Worldview Assignment from Module/Week 3.
i. The Question of Origin –
ii. The Question of Identity –
iii. The Question of Meaning/Purpose –
iv. The Question of Morality –
v. The Question of Destiny –
Worldview Assignment
I. What is Worldview?
Like just about anything in this world that can be argued, discussed, or perceived; “worldview” has many definitions or meanings. According to Merriam-Webster; “worldview is the way someone thinks about the world.” I like to think of this term as a framework of ideas and attitudes about the world, ourselves, and life, a comprehensive system of beliefs.
II. Articulate the Biblical/Christian Worldview
1. The Question of Origin –
Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3
In the beginning…. “GOD”. God the Creator was already there in the beginning who is an eternal, triune Being in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Almighty God spoke the world into existence, and all things exist according to His intelligent design.
2. The Question of Identity –
Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:7
God created man in His own image and in His likeness as we know that Jesus (God the Son) came to this Earth as a Man. The Bible tells us that God formed man out of the dust, and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and mankind became a “living soul”, unlike all other created beings. The Bible tells us that man has dominion over all other living things, and that man gave the names to all living creatures.
3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose –
Isaiah 43:7, Colossians 1:16
Simply put, the meaning and purpose of our lives is to honor, and glorify God with our entire being. The whole duty of man is to love God with all his heart, soul, and mind. Not only does God have a purpose for mankind, but God also has a purpose for the entire universe. God even has a purpose for the wicked according to Proverbs 16:4. I don’t believe it’s possible for a man to stand in God’s stead and answer the question of “why?” for Him. The Bible says the secret things belong to the Lord, and that His ways are past finding out.
4. The Question of Morality –
Genesis 2: 16-17, 2Timothy 3:16-17
The Word of God is the Christian’s absolute moral standard for all manner of faith and practice. In the Garden of Eden, God gave His spoken Word to Adam and gave specific guidelines to live by. God gave him liberty to eat of any tree in the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God also told Adam of the consequences of disobedience. This shows that mankind is given a choice between right and wrong. God’s instructions were clear, and yet the serpent beguiled Eve, and caused her to question the Word of God, and that was the beginning of the destruction of mankind. God’s Word hasn’t changed, and is still very clear about what is right, and what is wrong. What Satan started in the Garden of Eden has become common practice in today’s society. God’s Word is constantly being questioned, twisted, and distorted to make one comfortable in making sinful decisions.
5. The Question of Destiny-
Revelation 20:10-15, Mark 9:44-46, John 3:16-18, John 14:2-3
The Bible teaches that there is an eternal home of the condemned and an Eternal home for those who are saved. There is a literal burning Hell for those who die rejecting Christ. Hell is described as a place of fire, smoke, torment, sorrow, and eternal despair. Those who go to Hell go immediately at the time of death remain there until the Great White Throne of Judgment when Hell gives up the dead to be judged, and then cast into the lake of fire. Those of us who are Born Again believers have an eternal home in Heaven. Man is given the gift of Eternal life when he’s been saved. Christians will go to Heaven by way of death, or Rapture when Jesus returns (1Thes. 4). Two examples that give us this Blessed hope are the thief on the cross to whom Jesus said “To day thou shalt be with me in paradise.”, and then when Stephen was martyred he saw Jesus up in Heaven and said “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” and he went on to be with his Lord and Savior.
III. How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you:
a. …think about, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis?
As Christians our “worldview” should be on that believes and strives to be that of Jesus and bring glory to God. Therefore, love should be a very strong trait we should have when it comes to our daily dealings with others. John 13:34 says it best when Jesus stated; “that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another”.
b. …decide a future career (what you will choose and/or how you will carry it out)?
I know that worldviews can be persuaded, altered, and even changed with external or internal factors; however I personally feel that a person with a Biblical worldview would not choose a career that would contradict their morals or deny the glory of God. A career is a facet to one that
will enable one to be a light and display a Biblical worldview before the eyes of others. In my career I have chosen to pursue Probation and Parole for troubled teens. I will finish up my degree here at Liberty and apply what I have learned along with life experiences in helping with the troubled teens.
The KJV Study Bible. Uhrichville: Barbour Bibles, 2011. Print.
“Worldview.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2014.
Critical Thinking Worldviews
Part 1
Different people have different ways in which they perceive or think about the world they live in. Worldviews helps in understanding how then people perceive about themselves, the world, life, and about comprehensive systems of beliefs (Merriam-Webster, 2009). Some of the worldviews include Buddhism, secular Humanism, Hinduism and Christianity, and Islam. The worldview the paper focuses on is the Secular Humanism.
This worldview (Secular Humanism) believes that people originated from the process of evolution. The worldview does not believe that human beings were created by a supernatural being or God (Toumey, 1993).
When it comes to the question of identity, this worldview explains identity through scientific inquiry. Biological evidence forms the basis of distinguishing the reason why a man and a woman exist.
When it comes to the question of meaning and purpose, this worldview holds the view that people need to reason and use evidence to choose from that what is right and wrong. The purpose of living and life is for people to understand themselves, their history, their achievements and outlooks of those that are different from them.
The question of morality in line with this worldview is that people should always be ethical and promote justice and fairness. People should eliminate any form of intolerance and discrimination and coexist with one another well. Lastly, is the question of destiny whereby this worldview holds that an individual life end after death. They do not believe in an eternal place that people souls will rest after death.
Part 2
There are considerable differences between the secular Humanism worldviews and Christian worldview. These worldviews differ on their approach to question of originality, identity, meaning, morality and destiny.
The Christian worldview believes in existence of a Supernatural Being -God that created everything in the earth and heaven. He commanded everything to come into existence according to His designs and they came into being. Therefore, human beings are creations of God and came into being after God created them. This view differs from the Secular Humanisms, which believes in evolution and scientific theories of evolution.
On identity, Christian view, believe that God created man and gave him powers over the creatures. He as well sent His only Son Jesus Christ on earth to save humankind. The bible tells us that God formed man out of the dust, and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and mankind became a “living soul”, unlike all other created beings (Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:7). This view differs from the secular Humanism that holds that identity of human beings is explained through scientific theories.
The meaning and purpose of human beings is to honor and glorify God and to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul according to Christian worldview (Isaiah 43:7: Colossians 1:16). God as well has a purpose for the evil. This view differs from the secular Humanism as their purpose and meaning of existence is vested in understanding themselves and the history.
The word of God according to Christian worldview promotes living with faith and loving one another. God gives people freedom to choose from wrong and right but at the end, there are consequences. For instance, God gave instructions to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden not to eat a fruit on the tree of life. However, disobeying God led to their punishment. Secular Humanism on the other hand as well advocates for morality by requiring people to adhere to ethical principal and uphold to justice and fairness.
Lastly, on the question of destiny, Christian worldview suggests that there are eternal home for the saved and for the condemned. Those that accept Jesus Christ as the savior will go to eternal heaven while those that have rejected and live in sin will torment in Hell on the judgment day. Christians will go to Heaven by way of death, or Rapture when Jesus returns (1Thes. 4). Examples that demonstrates this include a thief on cross whom Jesus told, “Today thou shall be with me in paradise”. Another example is Stephen who saw Jesus up in Heaven and said “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” and he went on to be with his Lord and Savior. This is different from secular worldview that believes that lives ends when one dies.
Merriam-Webster. (2009). Worldview. Web. 07 Nov. 2014.
The KJV Study Bible. (2011). Uhrichsville: Barbour Bibles.
Toumey, C. (1993). Evolution and secular humanism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 61(2): 275–301.
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