Critical Writing on Childrens Emotion Regulation

Critical Writing on Childrens Emotion Regulation

Critical Writing on Childrens Emotion Regulation
Critical Writing on Childrens Emotion Regulation

1) State the Author, Title, and Journal.

2) State the research question.

3) State the researcher’s hypotheses.

4) Explain the sample: Who are the participants of this study?

5) What type of statistical analyses did the researcher use?

6) What did the researcher find and conclude?

Critical writing:

1) How does the topic relate to the course topic or the other articles discussed in class?

2) What have you learned?

3) Do you agree with the findings? (Provide supporting findings or constructively criticize research findings/designs).

4) What would be future research ideas?

Note: Remember to cite the reference, and add a list of references in APA format.

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