The impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP)

The impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP)
The impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP)
The impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP)

The impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP)

Order Instructions:

Critically analyse the impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP) agreement’ on Australia’s ability to achieve an ecological sustainable society.
1) You will need to discuss the implications of the TPP agreement (assuming it is implemented) using the material from Topics 1-5 and particularly the meaning of sustainability, how our society can achieve sustainability, the impediments to change and technological and institutional lock-in.
2) You will need to specifically make reference to ‘investor-state dispute clauses’ which are part of most free-trade agreements so there is a general literature on this.
3) You will need to engage with some published papers on the transpacific partnership agreement which has been proposed for many years and academics and others have discussed the general implications of the agreement as well as the environmental implications.
4) In addition, you should make reference to the leaks of components of the agreement and use the mainstream and non-mainstream press to help with your analysis. In terms of non-mainstream press you could source from Democracy Now, The Real News Network, The Conversation, and Crickey, amongst others.
Length is 1,500 words.
6) Due date is the Friday (25th April).
7) Submission requirements – Submission via Turnitin is required. This is available in the vUWS site under “Assessments”. Please see the general submission requirements in the Learning Guide for further information about Turnitin. Along with Turnitin submission, a hard copy must be submitted with a signed Assignment Cover Sheet on or before the due date (bring it to the lecture on the due date).
8) Marking standards and criteria. The essay will be marked according to how it meets the criteria below.
Title page Title page.

Introduction This section sets the scene for the report and should include the objective and scope, key research question (s) and the significance of the study. Your group should introduce the key issues you intend to discuss relating to the topic.

Addressing the question, discussion and analysis You must address the question, focusing on analysis rather than merely describing. For the same reason, do not quote at length in essays. You may use a few juicy quotes, however it is better to use your limited word allowance for explanation, proof and analysis. In some cases diagrams, tables and charts may be useful in conveying information in a structured format – however this is your choice and do not let diagrams and tables overshadow your explanations and discussion. Keep them to a minimum if you use them at all.

Critical assessment
Your essay must reflect awareness that the topic can be analysed in terms of different, sometimes conflicting theoretical frameworks. A very good essay will be able to explain how and why a particular framework, or no given framework, is satisfactory in terms of the topic considered. A very good essay is in this sense shows both an understanding of theories and an ability to critically assess them.

Originality and integrity
A brilliant essay shows some degree of originality with integrity– it shows ability or a manifest attempt to push beyond the conclusions and views of the major readings in some way. This is not something that we necessarily do always and everywhere. However, when it’s there, based on truth and extensive research, it is a rare and special thing. On the other side of the spectrum, plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please refer to the university’s policy here.

Referencing is important. Scholarly references should be drawn upon – that is, articles and books that have been subject to extensive academic peer review. Wikipedia and other unreviewed websites are not scholarly references. The exception to this is the use of a political or other policy document or media statement as a means of illustrating a particular political position or point of view. As a guide, select the “scholarly works” criterion on the library search engine under electronic resources. Please ensure to include the full references/links and the date that you accessed the sites/data bases.

Structure and clarity of expression
The introduction to an essay sets the scene and should include the objective and scope, key research question (s) and the significance of the study. You should introduce the key issues you intend to discuss relating to the topic. In a well structured essay, each paragraph introduces a major point, provide relevant evidence or analysis to support or explain that point, and then round off that point.
A strongly structured essay can use each opening paragraph to link the previous point to the one being currently discussed. In this way, the essay becomes a single, complex argument. By the time the reader reaches the conclusion, the essence of the argument should already be visible. Clear expression and correct spelling is required Please note that you will lose marks for poor spelling, improper referencing etc.

Research effort and where relevant additional reading This is a major piece of assessment. You are expected to both use the suggested readings and to go beyond these to find your own relevant readings.



There exists a complex relationship between trade and environment, which has both challenges and opportunities. A good example is portrayed by Herman, & Swiss (2014), who in positive ways, states that trade leads to the development of countries productivity, increase in counties efficiency, and growth in general. On the other hand, some of the impending danger about economic growth is like increased use of non-renewable resources that may lead to its exhaustion. Also, there may be increased pollution, and worst of all lower the quality of water. On the other hand, trade is essential for the economic development achieved can be used to curb the environmental degradations Herman, & Swiss (2014). On that note, the primary focus of this paper will be to criticize the trans-pacific partnership.

The paper will examine the effects that impend the nations that will accept to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). In particular, it will address the sustainability of a country in relation to its definition, the impediment to change among other issues Hsueh, (2013). Thus, the objectives of the paper is to find out the implications of the TPP, to the countries involved.  On the same note, the research question that will act as a blueprint is; what are the impact of the ‘transpacific partnership (TPP) agreement’ on Australia’s ability to achieve an ecological sustainable society? This question will be the guiding tool in the whole research paper.

Implication of TPP to Australia

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an exceptionally large free trade agreement, which if pushed and signed will expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Thus, the TPP will have some adverse effect to not only economic sustainability in Australia, but also environmental sustainability will be interfered Hsueh, (2013). This is simply because, the TPP will only replicate and expand the NAFTA’s special methods of protection to the offshore U.S jobs. Nevertheless, developed countries like Australia will have a wider range of market for their produce and facilitated about 37.8% increase in their sales. This market will also help in the generation of income and also will offer cheaper labour and raw material from other countries in this trading block. Thus, the increased market scope will increase the production and conversely increase the revenue generated from the trade.

The TPP also has an important opportunity of developing rules that will keenly observe the conservation of the environment strategies, particularly forests. These rules will reduce the chances of deforestation in Australia, hence preventing devastating and irreparable effects of deforestation. This is because in the shipment of timber, logs, and timber product; there will be required documentation declaring of the price, quantity, and place of origin from the importers Leal-Arcas, (2013). Through this body, the Australian’s will be able to achieve the environmental sustainability.

In addressing the unsustainable exploitation of fish stock, TPP will put in place some measures that will strengthen disciplines on fisheries sector Leal-Arcas, (2013). These measures include the thorough prohibition of some of the forms/modes of fisheries subsidies, which contribute to overfishing and overcapacity. Leal-Arcas, (2013), also stresses on how the TPP will have an interest in this issue since it is a mixture of developed and developing countries. In Australia, where they have effective fisheries management regimes the TPP measures will be focused on sustainability and conservation. This is because, in Australia they observe and support strong discipline on fisheries subsidies.

In addressing the climatic change and other environmental challenges, TPP will help in achieving some of the environmental goals and not to affect its health. The Australian economy will increase access to and vast range of competing service provider, which is as a result of market liberalization. Thus, underpinning the shifting/change of the harmful environmental service industries to less and more efficient, environmentally friendly industries Meltzer, (2014). Through the TPP Australia will be able to access of green technologies at  a lower cost that will help in reducing some of the environmental problems like water, air and soil pollution. Furthermore, TPP will support Australia as its member in reducing the greenhouse gas emission Pejovich, (2012).

Australia participation to the TPP will not only offer access to the green and low-carbon economy, but also the access to the experts and engineers that will help in designing and running the facilities. In addition, some of the types of technologies that are being used to address the environmental degradation and its sustainability are changing with time. Thus, there is a need for continuous research on finding new ideal methods to curb this mess Holzer, & Cottier (2015). Through TPP union, the member country can and will be able to conduct research on this matter, which will be cost efficient since all the member states will contribute to its funding. Thus, this will point that TPP will need to reduce barriers to services trade. TPP will thus ensure that countries like Australia get services which will help not only in reducing the cost and economic development, but also that are environmental friendly Holzer, & Cottier (2015).

In the recent years, there Australian rate of unemployment has dropped up to about 6.1%, nevertheless, if the TPP is successfully executed these statistics are expected to reduce significantly. This will be as a result of globalization, which will greatly impact on the domestic prices of the products, making the prices converge to those in the international market. This impact will result to changes in relative prices within the Australian economy affecting some of the returns on different factors of production Thompson, (2015). Merely because, international trade majorly focuses on the returns to the factors of production base on the labour skills and the technological advancement. Thus, Australia will greatly enjoy this due to its developed technologies and skilled labour Thompson, (2015).

On the contrary, some of the effects of this union/agreement will be income inequity in Australia. Since the labour market wages and salaries will be harmonized in accordance with international standards. This is because there have been a widening gap in wages between the skilled and unskilled workers. Nevertheless, some of the technology innovations will be undertaken so as to suit the needs of the ever growing completion from the trade. This will lead to improvement in services and products. Eventually, some sectors in Australia will enjoy about 15% of technology upgrade as a result of completion Petri, et al. (2012).

In the past half a decade, Australia has been a technological shift/ change which has made some sectors like agriculture flourish. TPP will ensure that there is sustainable mechanical development that contributed to countries development like Australia experienced in 2009-10. This is because in that fiscal year it was estimated that Australia produces about £40-billion agricultural commodities Bell, & Moore (2012). This production does not only help in the sustainability of the population, but also the development of the economy at large.


In the literature, it can be noted that TPP will greatly integrate the current policies of different and come up with a masterpiece policy that will liberalize the market and help in the sustainability. This will greatly help in the change process, economic sustainability and also the environment at large. Thus, it will be a chance not to be missed by the Australia. Simply because it will greatly benefit from this free trade market, starting from cheap labour, large market, advanced skilled workers and technologies among others. Thus, Australia will be able to achieve its aims of ecologically sustainable society. To sum up all, this means that the research question has been fully answered, and it is positive to say that there will be more advantages of TPP to Australia than harm.


Hsueh, C. W. 2013. A Greener Trade Agreement: Approaches to Environmental Issues in the TPP Negotiations. Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, 8(2), 521-542.

Leal-Arcas, R. 2013. Climate change mitigation from the bottom up: using preferential trade agreements to promote climate change mitigation. CCLR, 34.

Meltzer, J. 2014. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the environment and climate change. Trade Liberalisation and International Co-operation: A Legal Analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Edward Elgar.

Holzer, K., & Cottier, T. 2015. Addressing climate change under preferential trade agreements: Towards alignment of carbon standards under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Global Environmental Change.

Thompson, H. 2015. Services Trade and Income Redistribution in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Petri, P. A., Plummer, M. G., & Zhai, F. 2012. The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Asia-Pacific Integration: A Quantitative Assessment (Vol. 98). Peterson Institute.

Bell, L. W., & Moore, A. D. 2012. Integrated crop–livestock systems in Australian agriculture: Trends, drivers and implications. Agricultural Systems, 111, 1-12.

Herman, A., & Swiss, T. 2014. The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory: Magic, Metaphor, Power. Routledge.

Pejovich, S. 2012. The effects of the interaction of formal and informal institutions on social stability and economic development. Journal of Markets & Morality, 2(2).

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