Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

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Critique of Epidemiological Research Article Sample Answer

Critique of Selected Epidemiological Research Article Guidelines

This paper will critique the research article “Long-Term Retention of Older Adults in the Cardiovascular Health Study:

Critique of Epidemiological Research Article
Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

Implications for Studies of the Oldest Old.”

The Aim/Purpose of the Research on Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

The research problem is stated in the second paragraph. Although the authors have not explicitly stated the research question, there is background information offered to specify the main objective for undertaking the research investigation. In-depth analysis of the introductory information offers a lucid idea on the objective of the researchers. The study is founded on the concept that in the past Epidemiological cohorts in Cardiovascular Health Study with repeated examinations have not offered information concerning retention of participants in relation to the age group and the visit type. Relative to this statement, study hypothesis has been formulated that the type of patient visit is related to important demographic patterns such as lifestyle, health, and function characteristics and that the level of patient retention becomes difficult as individuals advance in their age. This study was carried out for the purpose of finding out whether older age is associated with returning to clinic visit in a cardiovascular health study.

The research makes use of the directional hypothesis because it is able to offer a proposition on the anticipated research results. The directional hypothesis offers specificity into the subject of study and the predicted results cannot just be established by chance. As such, it is expected that the final findings are more specific with rigorous predictions because the information being investigated has been previously uncovered and a great deal of the information is already known. In this study investigation, the authors make use of the age variable in relation to explore the trend of patient retention. The hypothesis is not straightforward so it comes with a measure of complexity; it was previously tested and so offers a compelling backdrop for the research investigation (Elsa et al, 2010).

What is the Research Design for Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

This research investigation utilizes a prospective cohort study whereby the subjects under investigation are identified based on their exposure status preceding the development of their medical condition under examination. The outcome of the research investigation is measured over a given time period. Owing to this kind of approach the researchers are in a good position to establish a temporal relationship between the exposure outcomes, they are also well positioned to make a follow up on the developing condition over time. Through the prospective study, a group of cardiovascular patients who differ with respect to certain factors is investigated to find out how those factors affect the anticipated outcome. The researchers make use of prospective cohort study in this investigation is very significant as its most effective approach when dealing with etiology of diseases and disorders. The distinguishing feature inherently found in this methodology is that at the time the subjects are selected for investigation, none of the participants have developed the outcomes of interest.

Is the Research Design Appropriate for the Research Question?

The prospective cohort study is meticulous for reducing the required information. Once the baseline information is collected, the individuals to be assessed through the cohort study are then followed longitudinally over a given time period to find out if at all the individuals are diseased and to establish whether their exposure status changes the outcome(Elsa et al., 2010). As a consequent, the investigators were in a position to make use of the obtained data to answer many questions on how risk factors are connected to the disease outcomes. A prospective cohort study was the most effective research design considering the phenomenon under investigation since it had to be scrutinized over a long period of time.

Critique of Epidemiological Research Article and Evidence of Power Analysis

When designing an experiment for this study it was necessary for the researchers to estimate the needed size. The number needed to be large, dynamic and from different races to help the researchers educe valid results cutting across different genders, age groups, and races(Elsa et al, 2010). The small size of respondents, in this case, would have been ineffective in garnering the results anticipated for this investigation. It is imperative to specify the effect size during a power analysis as this helps to bring out the difference between the stated null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis that the researchers hope to detect. Power analysis came into play as the participants went through baseline evaluations such as standardized clinical examinations, physical functions, laboratory assessments, cognitive function assessments, and medical history. These components were repeatedly carried out as the respondents went for annual clinic visits. Power analysis is important because when the researchers venture into biological research they do not often know how big a difference they are looking for.

Power analysis in this research investigation was vitally important, as it was the hub around which the researchers were able to attain statistical significance. Statistical significance is the research factor used to find out if an intervention changes an outcome. The determination is only achieved through sufficient power. In that relation, power analysis is utilized to increase the prospect of obtaining dependable information from research studies. As the Researchers constructed this investigation, they had in their minds some endpoint criteria they strived to achieve before they implemented the research strategy (Elsa et al, 2010).

Appropriateness of Sample Size to Generalizability of Findings

The research methods used in this investigation proves that the reduced findings are true for the population under investigation. Foremost, the researchers use ample size of research participants and this increases the reliability of the final results. Moreover, the researchers make use of parametric statistics which are more powerful and reliable than the non- parametric statistics both the data and the methodologies utilized in the research support the use of parametric statistics meaning that the finals results can be relied on.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Clearly Stated and Appropriate

The sample of the participants utilized in this research investigation is clearly defined, it comprises five thousand and eight hundred eighty-eight aged populace. The population comprised of people aged 65-100 years. It factored in both the male and female gender, comprising of people from different ethnics groups to make sure that there is diversity in the sample and that all variables are given consideration. Moreover, the sample was obtained from a large geographical area to make sure the element of the region was also factored in the final results. The inclusion criterion used was appropriate to ensure that the results educed cut across ages, gender, and races to ensure that the final results are meticulously giving consideration to the most essential variables.

Determine if There Were An Intervention and Control

There were intervention and control in this research investigation; the authors used preventive intervention studies to provide reliable evidence in the epidemiological research. Preventive intervention is normally carried out to assess whether an agent or practice reduces the risk of developing a given disease among individuals free from that disease at the beginning of the trial.

Statistical Tests of Analysis Support the Research Variables and Design

This study makes use of the Spearman correlation test, which was instrumental in establishing whether individuals in their advanced age had a high likelihood of missing their clinic visits. This test was also paired with Pearson correlation test in which two continuous normally distributed variables exhibit linear correlation. The research investigation makes use of correlation as the test. This test helped the researchers to find out the relationship between the age variable and how it affected the individuals’ ability to attend medical services. Correlations were used to find out the existing relationships between the variables under investigation and the characteristics of that relationship. The authors make use of descriptive correlations to expound on how the two variables occur together and how related they are. The research uses ANOVA test, an inferential statistic, which is very essentials for finding out differences among groups and bring out the reliability of the information educed.

Validity and Reliability of Outcomes for Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

The study makes use of accurate inferences founded on previously conducted researches, thus they are actually for interpretation and making conclusions (Elsa et al, 2010). The research instrumentation is also vital in obtaining the desired results in the whole investigation and this helps to enhance the validity and credibility of the data obtained.

Determine if the Outcomes Are Clinically Relevant

This study addresses age as the parameter that affects the ability of individuals to attend medical care in their advanced age. There is a notable difference in the level of retention according to the age. During the course of the investigation, it became apparent that people in more advanced years are unable to attend their health care services. Moreover; on the other hand, findings postulate that the elderly populace is stalled by their physical impairments and poor health. (Elsa et al, 2010). This study has therefore been very instrumental in illuminating the challenge posed by advanced age to accessing health care facilities. As people grow older, they develop some impairment such as joint pain, eye problems and walking challenges hindering them from accessing health care facilities. This knowledge is relevant as it can help the practitioners to develop better methods of accessing the elderly to make sure that they can be attended to during their advanced years.

Review of Literature Relevant, Contemporary, and Comprehensive

The literature review used in this research investigation factors four major elements namely, purpose, scope, authority, and format. This criterion has been used to ensure that the information educed through the literature review is reliable and valid. Through the literature review, it is evident that the authors are familiar with the subject of study and the major contributions made in relation to the topic of investigation. Since the literature review is meticulous, the readers are in a position to comprehend the principles and theories being utilized throughout the study.

Levels of Evidence for Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

There are three levels of evidence in this research investigation and these include.

Level Two: which comprises case-controlled trials which comprise comparisons and find out how gender, age, and race as variables interact with the subject of study.

Level three: In this level, the researchers made use of observational studies which included surveys and questionnaires to get first-hand information from the participants.

Level five: comprised of methodical verification and data validation intended to crosscheck the integrity of the final results in the investigation.

Implementation of Study on Patient Outcomes

This study could garner a lot of significance in the area of my practical practice by making sure that the aged population is given keen attention and home care since they are unable to attend health care services due to poor health and functional impairments and disability. The older the patients become the lesser their chances of attending health care services.

Threats to Validity and Reliability and Critique of Epidemiological Research Article

Numerous factors in this research investigation could be a threat to research validity and reliability. The most noticeable threats in this research include selection bias, history, maturation, and differential attrition. In order to avoid the many threats, this research made use of control group and also the random assignment of participants to ensure that any variation between the treatment group and control group is due to chance alone, and not selection bias. Thus, the researchers were able to increase research integrity by making sure that there was no selection bias in relation to the chosen participants.

Critique of Epidemiological Research Article References

Stotmeyer, E.S., Arnold, A. M., Boudreau, R. M., Ives, D.G., Cushman, M., Robbins, J. A., Harris, T. B., &Newmann, A. B. (2010). Long-term retention of older adults in the cardiovascular health study: Implications for studies of the oldest old. The Journal American Geriatrics Society, 58(4), 696-701.

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