Critique of Speakers
To start off, our first speaker was Dr. Wilson who spoke about engineering I general. He spoke about where you would fit in the world and his son’s story about breaking his leg twice. This talk has inspiring while seeing what engineers could accomplish and the future for engineering.
The next speaker that we had spoke about the ROTC programs at Catholic and around the country. Lieutenant Mary Coyne talked about her own experiences as well as her journey joining the military. She was very inspiring, because as a woman she faced the military head on and proved that women can succeed in the military. Her inspiring speech to join ROTC and the military gave me inspiration and respect for our armed forces.
Dr. Darryl Barnes was a class act and was very good at what he did. Barnes was a researcher and experiment expert. Dr. Darryl Bones first taught us that to search for a job that you enjoy, and you will never work a day in your life. He did many experiments with liquid nitrogen, which were very interesting and might have been somewhat targeted toward a younger crowd but still was interesting.
The next week, we had the guest speaker Dr. Jay Richards who spoke out on his views about modern day technology. He talks about the difference of technology from the past to modern day. He speaks out about how modern day technology has influenced society so that it is much different than in the past.
The next speaker that talked to us was Mark Bell who spoke more about law and ethics. He talked about the ethics that we need to follow in order to not get in trouble and stay ethical engineers. He talked about the rules and regulations that most companies follow to keep their operations ethical and keep in like with industry.
The next week we heard from Chris Danek, who spoke on his teaching position teaching students about entrepreneurship. While I have no interest in becoming an entrepreneur, it was a good opportunity at hearing another person who taught about picking a job that you enjoy doing. He talked a lot about building something of your own and selling that idea or object.
Another speaker that we heard from was Kim Clark. She spoke about her passion of journalism and media. She talked about the influence of news article titles and how they can be swayed in different ways to make you feel a certain way. We participated in an activity where we came up with our own news titles which were read in front of the class which was interesting and fun.
These speakers were all inspiring in their own ways to me in finding my career path. I feel that the biggest inspiring speakers were Mary Coyne and Darryl Barnes whose main point was to follow what you enjoy doing and to pursue a career path that is enjoyable because you will be miserable otherwise. I feel that to find my career path personally, I am going to have to do some research and look for jobs that I would enjoy doing and pursue that. Then once I have pursued something I enjoy, work hard and ethically to make it to the top and be the best I can be.
During the time that we spent together in our Senior Seminar Workshop, you were exposed to a number of different career pathways as described by our seminar speakers. When I invited them to come and present for you, I asked them to imagine that they could enter a virtual time machine and return to the past and reconnect with themselves when they were Seniors in College. I asked them to consider the following questions: 1) What advice would you give yourself regarding your career and life choices? 2) What, if anything would you do differently?
Please answer the following questions based on your experiences in Seminar this semester.
1.) After reflecting on your time at college, what advice would you share with our current First Year Engineering Class? Think of specific things that you wish someone would have told you when you were a First year student.
2.) Please prepare a summary for the additional seminar speakers who you did not include in the first assignment. Please focus on what information that they presented that can help you in designing your dream career pathway.
3.) If you had the opportunity to talk with our speakers again, what questions would you ask them? (1 question per presenter, 2 – 4 points for each question, based on the quality of the question).
4.) You are transported in your virtual time machine to time points 3, 10, and 20 year’s into your future. Describe what your ideal career is like, what you have learned from our speakers this semester that has contributed to your success, and what message, advice, lessons that your future self has for you to ensure that you achieve your goals.
Be specific and think carefully as you present your ideas in a well prepared and articulated 2-3 page neatly typed essay
Include aspects of 1) the importance of professional ethics in your career, 2) K-12 education outreach to inspire our next generation of scientists and engineers, and 3) specific aspects of how your future dream career will contribute to solving grand challenges (you may select as many challenges as you like with a minimum of 2-3).
List of Seminar Speakers – Fall 2018
September 6– Dr. Otto Wilson (Keys to Career Success)
Septenber 13– Dr. Randy Pausch (Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Video)
September 20– Lieutenant Mary Coyne (Armed Forces and Service)
October 4– Dr. Darryl Baynes (Education, Entrepreneurship and Edutainment – How do we Inspire our next Generation)
October 11– Dr. Chris Danek (Engineering Entrepreneurship), Career Services (Networking – Megha Patel, Anthony Chiapetta)
October 18– Dr. Jay Richards (Economics: What the Past Can Teach us About the Future)
October 25– Mrs. Kim Clark (Journalist’s Perspective on the Importance of Effective Communication in Engineering)
November 8 – Dr. Gregory Clark (Career Advice and Perspectives from 3M to the Patent Office)
November 29 – Mr. Ralph Albano (Intellectual Property and Ethics)
December 6–Dr. Omid Kia (Intellectual Property)
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