Critique Summarizing The Spanish Flu Epidemic

Critique Summarizing The Spanish Flu Epidemic The Spanish Flu Epidemic.

Critique Summarizing The Spanish Flu Epidemic
Critique Summarizing The Spanish Flu Epidemic

After writing the introduction, no more than half the page should be a critique summarizing the articles key themes and/ or narratives.

Critique Summarizing The Spanish Flu Epidemic

The articles strengths and weaknesses, larger historical context and contemporary implications should be analyzed. How and why the article enriches or revises our understandings about the Spanish Flu should he considered. The conclusion should mention your opinion of the article as a tool for teaching U.S History. Is it valuable? How and why the article enriches or revises our understandings about the Spanish Flu should he considered. The conclusion should mention your opinion of the article as a tool for teaching U.S History. Is it valuable?

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