Cross-promotions Research Term Paper


Cross-promotions and mutually advantageous exposure opportunities

Please be as detailed as possible and double-space your answers.
** Understand that these are all topics that we discussed on our REQUIRED discussions, BUT for exams, to earn full credit, you must explain answers in more detail (ie – describe and explain your answer as if you are explaining it to someone who has no idea on this topic rather than listing and/or using bullet points w/ no explanation provided).

1. What organizations would you engage to develop cross-promotions and mutually advantageous exposure opportunities if your multi-purpose facility was hosting a swim meet for amateur swimmers? How would they help promote the event and what would those business partners expect in return?

2. What kinds of technical equipment, both for the competition itself and for presentation purposes, will be required to produce an Action sports competition featuring skateboarders, BMC bicyclists, and in-line skaters held at a stadium of 5,000 seats.

3. You are organizing a marathon through a major downtown area. List and describe the inherent risks that you would encounter in planning this event. What kinds of insurance coverage should be secured?

4. In the high school multipurpose facility, a floor plate support for a gymnastics parallel bar has worked loose and projects slightly above the level of the gym floor (which also is used as the basketball team’s competitive surface).

During practice, the basketball coach notices the projecting plate and sends a note to the head custodian requesting repair. Three days pass without repair. On the fourth day, a basketball player dives for a loose ball, slides on the floor, and strikes the corner of the plate.

The player sustains a serious laceration, which requires loss of playing time. The player is a Division I scholarship candidate and will lose exposure to several colleges who have been watching her play.

When asked about the maintenance report, the custodian says he did not receive it. Identify the broad issue(s) raised in the case study and determine which individual or individuals are most negligent and describe why you believe so.

Also suggest any rules, standards or guideline procedures that would correct, eliminate or prevent future elements of risk such as this.

5. List and describe the steps in the “Emergency Planning Process” as described in your book and notes. Describe be why you believe, that despite sports and recreational facilities having plans such as these in place they often are not implemented correctly by the staff/employees.

6. I am the President and CEO of the organization (Athletic Director if you are interested in working in intercollegiate athletics) that you would dream to land and entry level job with upon graduation from Keiser University. Write me your “Elevator Speech” that does the best job “selling yourself” and letting me know that I would be a moron not to hire you.

7. You are the Director of Campus Recreation on a college campus and you learn that one of your intramural basketball officials is constantly criticized by league participants on a nightly basis (i.e. – players insulting him, making fun of his uniform, saying he has no athletic ability, to far worse, etc.).

This official has finally had it and ends up getting into a physical altercation with a player after the player criticizes his officiating during a game. As director, who should be disciplined and what should happen to the individual(s) who are disciplined? Justify your decision and describe why you came to this conclusion.

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