CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Project Assignment

CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Project
CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Project

CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Project

Assignment 3.6 CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid Project

Follow the steps:

1. Prepare a large display board which represents the CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid. Draw the pyramid; label each section, use illustrations and words to represent each section of the pyramid that include examples and pictures from your work site or how your work site can apply each level. If you are not at a site include how parents can apply each level to good parenting practices.

2. Bring your display board to class Week 3 to present to the class and receive suggestions and approval from the instructor prior to public display.

3. During Week 4, display your work for one week or at a site where parents and teachers can view your board for one week.

4. After the board has been displayed for a minimum of one week, share the discussions that were generated with parents and/or teachers in your workplace in a one page response.

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