Cultural Competence in Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Cultural Competence in Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Cultural Competence in Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Importance of Cultural Competence in Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Response

Cultural competence is important when public health practitioners need to address infectious disease outbreaks in cross-cultural communities. Before beginning this assignment, learn about cultural competence in public health:

Choose one of the scenarios to discuss:

Measles outbreaks in the U.S. have continued to occur due to lack of vaccination. Most notably in the Somali community in Minnesota in 2017 and in the Amish community in Ohio in 2014. Devise a program to facilitate vaccination in response to one of these outbreaks. Conduct a needs and a capacity assessment to identify cultural commonalities and differences to be addressed, and the ability of your program to address them.
The lack of cultural competence in the recent Ebola epidemic of 2014-2016 in West Africa has been implicated as a reason that the outbreak was not contained sooner. If you were a public health practitioner responding to this outbreak, how would you include cultural norms and leaders in how you communicate with the community in order to control and prevent the disease from spreading?
You may choose another scenario but should gain approval before using it. Please be concise in your writing and keep the page length under 5 pages total. Follow APA formatting for a research paper

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