Current Events in Business Research

Current Events in Business Research
Current Events in Business Research

Current Events in Business Research

Order Instructions:

Find an article in the University Library that contains a research study in the functional area of Youth Ministry or Catholic Religious Education as a Career.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary:

Describe the business research process followed in the study in the article.
•Identify the research problem and the research method used.
•Discuss how the research is solving the problem within the chosen functional area.
•Identify other potential applications using business research within this functional area or related areas.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Current Events in Business Research

The article ‘The practice of youth ministry in a changing context: Results from an Australian scoping study’ is a study whose main aim was to come up with innovative strategies to reach out to the youth, and bring them back to the church, since it has been registered as a global trend that the population of youths in the churches is drastically reducing. As such, the Australian churches, which are the center-stage of this study, sought to find a solution (Singleton, Webber, Joyce, & Dorissa, 2010). It is a common thing across all churches to define key strategies to allure back their youths into the church. The study posits that different programs may be employed to change the perception or approach to the issue of youths, a question regarding their efficacy should be asked. As such, it is important to determine which approach has the elements of best-practice in the advent of youth ministry.  Basically, this study connects the denominational role of the church in the lives of the youth, and the use of the church as a career opportunity by the youth, as one of the main ways of achieving their retention in the church.

The business research process followed in this article involved a scoping research, which was conducted in Melbourne, Australia, especially among the denominations that have struggled to maintain the youth. The scoping exercise had two main aims: to identify the various ministry styles that are being applied; and identify among the mentioned ministry approaches and styles, which ones represent best-practice when in a mission to ensure youth retention, social justice activities, and involvement of adults in liturgy, to create an environment of understanding and development. The method used here primarily aimed at providing a descriptive foundation upon which useful discussions regarding theological and sociological perspectives could be held. In all churches across the globe, the youth ministry is recognized as the invigorated theology discipline, that requires a series of activities and practical work to survive. In order to explicitly provide a manifestation of these practical approaches, the study employed a descriptive empirical task to tend to address in an amicable manner, the question, “what is going on?

The method applied in this study can be best understood as a descriptive-empirical task in the bracket of practical theology. In addition, it is a social-scientific study, whose aims are to create a relationship between various theological perspectives and the problem of youth retention in churches today. This study strongly builds on the empirical base on which it is strongly instituted, which is used to explore the changes that need to be effected in the youth ministry and other facets of the pastoral ministry. In order to create a sense of reliability and authenticity for the study, the researchers instituted four innovative ways of penetrating into the minds and interest of the youth. For instance, they were presented with an interpretive task that involve surpassing the normal descriptions to understand the dynamics involved in the mix; normative task that inculcates deep reflections on the actions of God; and lastly, the pragmatic task, which involves taking a decision on the action implemented. This methodology and approach involved knowing and understanding the target customers, as well as identifying other players in the issue of youth retention.

As identified above, the research problem that is being addressed in this article is the high rate of youth attrition from modern churches, with a specific focus on Melbourne, Australia. It must be understood that this area would be assumed to act as perfect representative of the global trend in this issue. The study addresses the problem by testing and coming up with amicable suggestions and solutions to ensure youth retention in churches.  The research recognizes that the functional area of the youth is one that is very elusive and difficult to predict. As such, it requires innovative processes and activities in order to work well. The research set out different strategies to woo youths back into the church, including entertainment, career choices, youth forums, and many other innovative processes that make the youth feel involved and wanted. At this time, the research recognized that the incorporation of such activities as retreats, fun-days, contemporary music, and multimedia worshiping are among the key strategies to allure the youth back to the church. More importantly, the study had one focal point that active engagement of youths in the church through solid employment opportunities is a good way of ensuring their retention. Particularly, the research is very pragmatic when it comes to identifying the needs of the youth in relation to the church. Inasmuch as the youth might view the church as apace of worship, it is also a social place, where they meet various individuals, get to connect, and create fruitful relationships that can be the basis of prospective career developments. It is this particular need that the study presented here aptly establishes, in a bid to address the research problem, which is the reducing number of youths in churches.

There are various other applications that can use a similar business research with the same functional area as discussed here, that is, the youth ministry. As identified above, youths are a very difficult group to work with, owing to the diverse and unique nature of their desires, likes, and dislikes. However, owing to its critical nature in the future development and life of a person, it is imperative that several programs be put in place to ensure they survival, safety, and continued support.  A program such as a campaign to reduce the habit of smoking among the youth is an example. This campaign would involve basically the same business research as above. Secondly, a camping to create awareness among the youths and school going children to enroll into specific career choices that are facing a crisis of manpower shortage, such as the healthcare sector.  Another example of a an application that would involve the same business research is creating brand awareness of a new product targeting the youth, for instance, cola drinks such as soda. Lastly, promotion of the use of protection during acts of intimacy may be a potential application that can utilize this business research. Summarily, a business research requires absolute understanding the needs of the target population, and streamlining strategies to address the problem of deficit identified.


Singleton, A., Webber, R., Joyce, M. R., & Dorissa, A. (2010). The practice of youth ministry in a changing context: Results from an Australian scoping study. Journal Of Youth Ministry9(1), 35-54.

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