Descriptive, analytical and decision-making skills Paper

Descriptive, analytical and decision-making skills
Descriptive, analytical and decision-making skills

Descriptive, analytical and decision-making skills

In this module students will develop their understanding of:

  • The fundamental concepts of marketing.
  • Descriptive, analytical and decision-making skills to be used in a marketing context.
  • Branding and its significance to the marketing process.
  • How companies can create positive brand images and encourage brand loyalty.

Word length: 1200 words

  • Apply relevant theories to a leading brand.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a leading brand and subsequently, recommend tactics to maintain customer loyalty.
  •  Select and analyse appropriate secondary data.
  • Manage individual time effectively and efficiently.


You are working for Mintel, UK leading marketing company as a Trainee Marketing Coordinator and your manager has asked you to research how an organisation of your choice use branding. Choose an international organisation and explain how they use branding strategies using a report to present your findings.

As part of your report discuss how an organisation uses branding and branding strategies.

  1. Introduce your report by identifying relevant theories discussed on this module using the points below as reference. (200 words)
  • definition of branding
  •  brand identify and branding strategy
  • brand positioning
  • brand image vs the brand identity
  • brand loyalty
  • brand awareness
  1. Explain the benefits and drawbacks for using branding (250 words)
  2. Review how your chosen organisation use secondary research can be used to be successful. (300 words)
  1. Evaluate branding tactics used in order to improve customer loyalty (250 words)
  2. Conclude your report by making some recommendations on how your organisation can use branding to be successful in future. (200 words)

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