Determining methods for leaders to manage a multigenerational workforce

Determining methods for leaders to manage a multigenerational workforce
  Determining methods for leaders to manage a multigenerational workforce

Determining methods for leaders to manage a multigenerational workforce

Order Instructions:

Throughout the 8 weeks of this course (in separate but interrelated assignments), you will describe and evaluate the data collection methods to ensure quality used in a selected qualitative doctoral study. To facilitate this evaluation, this week you will search for an appropriate doctoral study from the Walden online library or ProQuest.

Follow the guidelines below to choose a study:
•Use the ProQuest online database to search for a study.
•Please be sure to choose a doctoral study that is focused on a business-related topic. The search terms “qualitative” and “business” find many options to explore, or search for sample study that is directly related to your emerging doctoral study research topic.
•Do not choose a master’s thesis or an undergraduate study.
•Choose a qualitative doctoral study, or a mixed-methods doctoral study with a substantial qualitative component that has data collections and data analysis sections. This study should be done within five years. If you are uncertain if your selected doctoral study meets these requirements, please discuss this with your Instructor. If you choose a mixed-method doctoral study, focus only on the qualitative components in the paper for this course.

Also, keep in mind that this doctoral study will be used as a basis for subsequent assignments in the next few weeks which you will describe and evaluate different sections of the sample study you choose.

The Crochetiere doctoral study listed in this week’s Learning Resources is an example of a qualitative research document similar to that required for you to find this week. If you are performing research specifically related to sustainability, you may petition the Instructor to potentially allow you to use this doctoral study for analysis purposes in this course.

Important note: During application assignments in Weeks 2, 3, 5, and 6, you will be reviewing and analyzing the doctoral study you identify this week.

For this Application:
•Identify a study or ProQuest in the Walden library, and submit a full citation using correct APA style (6th ed.) for your chosen doctoral study, along with the study abstract in one word document.
•Please save your chosen doctoral study as a pdf file and keep it for your own use.

My doctoral study topic is “Determining methods for leaders to motivate a multigenerational workforce”

Please take note; as per one of the requirement (Please save your chosen doctoral study as a pdf file and keep it for your own use)I selected a doctoral study. here is the topic/ title which can also be found in the suggested websites.

Determining methods for leaders to manage a multigenerational workforce.


Determining methods for leaders to manage a multigenerational workforce

The study selected for the above topic was conducted by Rajput, Marwah, Balli and Gupta (2013) and was titled “Managing Multigenerational Workforce: Challenge for Millennium Managers.” Diversity of workforce presents itself in all organizations and of interest to this study was basically generational diversity. Leaders are faced with the challenge of handling employees who possess complex characteristicsthat are not only different from each other but also contradict each other.

The objective of this study therefore was to determine work values of a workforce that is multigenerational in nature in order to increase its morale and efficiency and performance. This study made an attempt of coming up with better strategies for the management of generationally diversified workforce. The answers derived from this study sought to address the opportunities and challenges that exist in a multigenerational human resource as well as the leadership strategies that were deemed as most effective for this type of human resource. Stevens (2010) noted that organizational managers have the ability to understand different characteristics and ethical issues present in a multigenerational workforce and be able to contribute to both the organization and team’s success despite the difference in opinions among this workforce.

According to Rajput et al., (2013), a multigenerational workforce is made up of people who were given birth to around the same period and therefore share various historical or social events that took place during their growth and development. Therefore, any workforce can be divided in to four different generational groups, namely, baby boomers, veterans, generation X and the millenials/generation Y (Rajput et al., 2013). The findings of this study revealed that these four generations of employees exhibit different characteristics and their productivity and morale at work could only be improved after understanding their differences.

The study revealed that, veterans, who are basically those workers who were born before the Second World War,apart from being very much loyal to the organization where they work, they also had a very high level of maturity. Collins et al.,(2009) added that veterans were also hardly absent at work, very hardworking and more concerned with quality performance of work rather than quantity. They are therefore the easiest cohort to manage as they only need to be respected and involved in all the key decisions of an organisation as a way of recognizing their vast experience. On the other hand, baby boomers (born during the post-World War II period) also turned out to be very loyal to the authorities, with high level of conformity to work related ethics. They have a high spirit of participation but also heavily driven by finances which can make them play by any rules. This category according the study can therefore be motivated by ensuring that well paid and in good time. It is also important to guarantee this category security of tenure and a participative working environment.

Another category was generation X. These are employees who were born between 1961 and 1971. They are known to be very good at multi-tasking as well as in the management of their schedules. They value collaborative efforts at work, teamwork and human relations. Managers should also beware that this group are very fast in noticing loopholes in organisations and usually demand immediate solutions. To manage them, leaders must enhance teamwork, collaboration and come up with immediate proper decision-making strategies. Lastly, the study found out that millenials (born between 1977 to the 1990’s) were the most radical of all. The put no interest in hierarchy and are excellent in multi-tasking apart from being quick learners. Despite their young age, managers should put measures in place to ensure that they feel recognised and respected. They should also be reasonably given their space given that they heavily rely on the social interface for entertainment outside work.

Reference list


Rajput, N., Marwah, P., Balli, R., & Gupta, M. (2013),Managing Multigenerational Workforce: Challenge for Millennium Managers. International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 3(2), 132-149. Retrieved from

Stevens, (2010),Managing Human Capital: How to Use Knowledge Management to Transfer Knowledge in Today’s Multi-Generational Workforce. International Business Research, 3(3).

Collins et al., (2009), The Older-Worker-Younger-Supervisor Dyad: A test of the reverse Pygmalion effect.Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20(1), 21-41.

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