Develop a Vision, Mission, and Philosophy for a Program
Assume you have been asked to develop a new early childhood program for your local school. You will be presenting your program at a board meeting comprised of administrators, teachers, and parents. Write a speech that you could deliver to your audience that would comprise the following information:
- A mission and vision statement for your new early childhood education program.
- An analysis of how your program is similar or different from other early childhood education program models.
- A philosophy statement for the program that reflects a solid knowledge of early childhood development theory.
- An explanation of how development theory has influenced your program, curriculum, and assessment.
- An outline of the key points of your new program.
- An explanation of how your program will support community values.
- A evaluation plan for how your program supports your mission, vision, and philosophy statements.
Length: 5-7 pages, with 5 peer-reviewed journal articles
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