Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 and 2 and Gestational Diabetes Introduce and explain what Diabetes Mellitus is, and explain the three major types which are Type 1 Diabetes, type 2 Diabetes, and gestational diabetes.
Make sure to answer these following questions within the report…
1. Is the disease curable?
2. What is a disease?
3. Are there any surgeries to help with the disease?
4. Do you have to monitor your eating habits? If so how and why?
5. What are some symptoms that the disease causes? Symptoms for all three types.
6. The difference medications you can take, which medication is for which major type.
7. Are there any signs that lead to the three major types?
.8. Can adults and children get any of the three different types of Diabetes?
9. Make sure to add the history behind Diabetes Mellitus and its three major types.