Dialogue and Ethical Reasoning Essay Paper

Dialogue and Ethical Reasoning
         Dialogue and Ethical Reasoning

Dialogue and Ethical Reasoning

Our readings and discussions have suggested that ethics are not determined by individuals in isolation, but through social interaction. People are situated particular beings shaped by culture and relationships.

Write a post discussing how social interaction helps us to make ethical decisions. Describe how democracy and professionalism structure this social interaction, and how open and un-dominated dialogue serves ethical decision-making while it helps to minimize situations of irreconcilable differences.

Drawing from the case studies, analysis of the readings, and/or your own experience, make a preliminary proposal of initial updates that could be made to the NEA Code of Ethics (Strike & Soltis, 2015). Briefly support and explain your proposals with evidence from the textbook and course readings. Cite and reference your sources in APA style. The discussion with your classmates regarding these suggestions will help you develop and fine tune your final proposal that you will submit as this week’s Assignment.

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