Did Sexuality Exist in Ancient Greece?
I. Essay Outcome: You will develop your own research project on Greek world
(classical and Hellenistic). As part of your project, you will propose a unique question or thesis on which you will conduct research.
II. Your Resources:
1. The primary sources from the class
2. The appendices from your Herodotus volume
3. The bibliography from Austin
4. Attic Inscriptions Online
5. The Binghamton University library system
6. World Cat (www.worldcat.org)
7. http://papyri.info/: for papyri in English translation
8. The guidance of me and your TA
III. Format and Length:
a. The total paper will be 9-11 (4-5 first draft, and 9-11 final version, plus
b. 12 Times New Rome, double space, normal margins
IV. Meeting: To facilitate your project, you should meet with me or your TA at least
once to discuss your research between weeks 11 and 17.
V. Question/Thesis: the question/thesis that your project addresses is your choice, but
it must substantially include the material assigned between weeks 7 and 17 of the course and a selection of external primary or secondary literature from library resources. It should also stake a critical position regarding Thucydides’ vision of the Greek world and include some consideration of the Hellenistic aftermath to the classical period (this should involve material from at least 2 sections of Austin’s sourcebook).
Some examples of topics are:
* Greek identities and their definitions during the classical and Hellenistic periods
* Greek and “barbarian” relationships
* Political transformations/changes in civic life
* The role of oratory or history in political or civic discourse
* Gender or sexuality
* Innovations or continuities in Greek religion
* Military organization and labor
* Royal/imperial propaganda and its circulation
* A topic of your choice discussed with me or your TA
First Draft: Nov. 14 (4-5 pages)
Final Version: Dec. 12 (10-11 pages)
Requirements of Note:
a. Your research paper should reflect some grasp of the changes/continuities between the classical and Hellenistic periods. It and its main topic should provide some substantive perspective on both periods, even if one receives more robust treatment.
b. Your paper should engage meaningfully with at least 10 different primary source texts; these must include Thucydides and material from at least 2
sections of Austin’s sourcebooks
c. Your paper should involve some inscriptions or papyri.
d. Your paper should include library resources. It should involve:
*Checking out at least one book/journal in hard copy from the university library
*Accessing one book/journal as an e-copy through the university library system
Footnotes and Bibliography:
Your footnotes and bibliography will follow Chicago style. In your footnotes, you should cite primary sources by the name of their author, their normative titles, and their book/sections numbers. Secondary source citations should be written according
to Chicago style conventions. In your bibliography, organize your primary sources into one section and your secondary sources into another. Please consult: The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. (2010) or
Final Version: Dec. 12 (10-11 pages)
Research Paper
I. Essay Outcome: You will develop your own research project on Greek world (classical and Hellenistic). As part of your project, you will propose a unique question or thesis on which you will conduct research.
II. Your Resources
1.The primary sources from the class
2.The appendices from your Herodotus volume
3.The bibliography from Austin
4.Attic Inscriptions Online
5.The Binghamton University library system
6.World Cat (www.worldcat.org)
7.http://papyri.info/: for papyri in English translation
8The guidance of me and your TA
III. Format and Length:
a. The total paper will be 9-11 (4-5 first draft, and 9-11 final version, plus bibliography)
b. 12 Times New Rome, double space, normal margins
IV. Meeting: To facilitate your project, you should meet with me or your TA at least once to discuss your research between weeks 11 and 17.
V. Question/Thesis: the question/thesis that your project addresses is your choice, but it must substantially include the material assigned between weeks 7 and 17 of the course and a selection of external primary or secondary literature from library
resources. It should also stake a critical position regarding Thucydides’ vision of the Greek world and include some consideration of the Hellenistic aftermath to the classical period (this should involve material from at least 2 sections of Austin’s sourcebook).
Some examples of topics are:
* Greek identities and their definitions during the classical and Hellenistic periods
* Greek and “barbarian” relationships
* Political transformations/changes in civic life
* The role of oratory or history in political or civic discourse
* Gender or sexuality
* Innovations or continuities in Greek religion
* Military organization and labor
* Royal/imperial propaganda and its circulation
* A topic of your choice discussed with me or your
TAFirst Draft: Nov. 14 (4-5 pages)
Final Version: Dec. 12 (10-11 pages)
Requirements of Note:
a. Your research paper should reflect some grasp of the changes/continuities between the classical and Hellenistic periods. It and its main topic should
provide some substantive perspective on both periods, even if one receives more robust treatment.
b. Your paper should engage meaningfully with at least 10 different primary source texts; these must include Thucydides and material from at least 2
sections of Austin’s sourcebooks
c. Your paper should involve some inscriptions or papyri.
d. Your paper should include library resources. It should involve:
*Checking out at least one book/journal in hard copy from the university library
*Accessing one book/journal as an e-copy through the university library system
Footnotes and Bibliography:
Your footnotes and bibliography will follow Chicago style. In your footnotes, you should cite primary sources by the name of their author, their normative titles, and their book/sections numbers. Secondary source citations should be written according to Chicago style conventions. In your bibliography, organize your primary sources into one section and your secondary sources into another. Please consult: The Chicago Manual of Style, 16 th ed. (2010) or
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