Diet analysis based on my diet
Summary of what to turn in for PART 2 of this assignment; only hard copies accepted, do not turn in 24 & 25 on Blackboard:
Remember to complete Part 1 above (this is completed in BB)
Question 24: One to three pages total (see below for directions and yellow highlight for example)
Question 25, includes discussion of your health history “tree” which you can get ideas to make using the following document or also googling “Family Tree Template Free” and check out some images you might like to use or use your own. Or use vital stats if adopted or have no known hereditary risks of any disease.
Your Diet Analysis Report pages: SEE BELOW HOW TO SAVE AND PRINT THESE ALL AS ONE FILE. You will use the WIZARD which will include all 5 of these reports:
Your Profile information
Intake Compared to DRI report BASIC VIEW (NOT COMPLETE VIEW)
Macronutrient Distribution
My Plate
1) Track 5 days of your Diet using the Food Journal. When completed, go to REPORTS.
2) Click on the calendar at least a day prior to beginning to track your diet on the left hand calendar and click either the day or one day after you tracked your intake.
3) Please use the WIZARD, instead of separate PDF files since this way is easier for you than printing the 5 separate reports since you set it up once, by checking the boxes as appropriate shown below with the view as chosen for Food Journal and Intake Compared to DRI. Open and save as an Adobe file (save to your computer). Here is what to choose from the Wizard window:
Questions 24 & 25:
24) Goals (12 points): Analysis of YOUR Diet Analysis Reports:
Based on YOUR iProfile reports:
Using the intake compared to DRI as your guide, list at least 3 overall changes could you make to improve YOUR dietary profile.
If under in numerous micro-nutrients (these are the vitamins and minerals), then lump as ONE improvement, otherwise you might put a few together as bone health (D and calcium) and/or how C and iron function together.
Many students will see their fiber values lower than normal, saturated fats potentially more than 10%, and perhaps carbs and/or fats out of alignment, for example. If you are low in fiber, wouldn’t it make sense to check out the grains category in the MyPlate? It might also be less than desirable, even though the iProfile does not yet make the distinction between whole and refined grains, you might know from your intake.
NUMBER 24 should include:
Explain each change, what this change will improve
What is the function of the nutrient(s) for which deficient?
How do your deficiency in intake results compare with your MyPlate food groups. Explain.
What potential and/or current health/disease state could you help prevent?
Include specific food substitutions, deletions and additions you could make (and for what reason). For example, “To increase my fiber intake, I could substitute oatmeal for scrambled eggs at breakfast. This change will help to …….”
Include physical activity report if you are including exercise as a goal and explain about the physical activity (MIEs and types of exercise, not just “to exercise”).*
*IF you choose to discuss exercise, you MUST submit a physical activity report otherwise I will not count anything you say about physical activity toward your points for this question. You must also explain about what Moderate Intensity Equivalents means and also how many minutes of your goal for physical activity you reached. This information is part of the physical activity report. In other words, you must analyze using your report and understanding of what the importance of physical exercise would be…What IS the importance of physical activity? In other words, what is it’s benefit to the body specifically? Exercise is not just done to “be healthy” since this is not a thorough answer at all for this class and you can find reasons within the text and power points (see Energy Metabolism). BUT you must include and discuss the report if discussing physical activity. You do not have to include physical activity at all, this is only for those who wish to discuss. Do not choose to discuss if you meet/exceed the recommendation for minutes of exercise per week.
IF you are not on target for many of the micronutrients, you should list these together with how they have to do with each other, instead of separately. In other words, do not list calcium and also list vitamin D since if you are under in both, they BOTH are very important to Bone health and you can discuss this. There are other vitamins and/or minerals also having commonalities as well. For example, Vitamin C absorption allows for the absorption of iron. See the second page of the WHO AM I Assignment #3 for examples of how these vitamins share functions with each other.
25) Directions for writing number 25: (10 points including a depiction of your family tree) or for those adopted/unknown genetics, vital statistics which surround you as well as environment – see directions – you need a graphic either way)
Two sections a and b (b includes uploading a picture/depiction/ppt slide or whatever shows your family tree or vital statistics:
a. In a paragraph (usually a length of at least 8-10 sentences), summarize the main strengths of performing your overall analysis, including 2-3 sentences to comment specifically on use of iProfile to track your diet. If you have ever used a different diet analysis program, how does iProfile compare? Make any comments specifically on the MyPlate graphic as well as what you thought of iProfile.
b. 1) In a longer paragraph or 12-15 sentences, discuss making your health history tree. Do you think you are at risk of developing a future disorder based on your findings? Which one(s)? Do you think a nutritional lifestyle change over the long-term would be warranted? Do you see a particular pattern in the way you eat when you think about what you found as your risks which are in your family tree, or the nutritionally-related reasons for death for those living in the United States? Explain.
b. 2) Lastly, comment on any additions or suggestions and/or omissions would you recommend be included in a future diet analysis.
HINT for 24:
To do #24 well, analyze the Intake Compared to DRI Report first to see how you fare in nutrient intake. Make correlations with your MyPlate and Macronutrient Distribution Range reports.
Example: if you are under in calcium and vitamin D, quite often this would make sense that you might be Under for Dairy. But what if you hate dairy, or are allergic or are vegan? You also can get calcium from broccoli, so even if you do not like milk, no one is forcing you to have foods you don’t like – so what else might you include if deficient in various nutrients?
Also, realize that, using broccoli as only an example again, that broccoli has more than one nutrient so it may double in helping improvement in an analysis. Using a reliable nutrition data web site (there are many: USDA nutrient information data, even, and others (search on the Internet)).
For example, broccoli has protein, fiber, iron, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin),vitamin B6, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), calcium, magnesium, choline, phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene), manganese, potassium, copper, omega-3 fatty acids (in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA), and selenium.
This was just an example, but hopefully, you get the idea. This is a signature assignment for the course, so it uses everything we have learned. If you are Under in many micronutrients, do not just pick 3 micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to improve upon and think that was enough – group the vitamins and minerals, for example, bone health improves with both vitamin D AND calcium, since without D, you cannot absorb calcium well. Without vitamin C, iron absorption is poor (unless you have a disorder of too much iron – then limit vitamin C).
I am a bit strict on this question since I want to see you making correlations using your Nutrient Intake and food group & calorie report.
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