Different definitions of justice Essay Paper

Different definitions of justice
   Different definitions of justice

Different definitions of justice

Write a final essay in which you will reflect on problems about justice. The idea is to analyze, on the one hand, the difficulties involved in defining justice. Second, it requires you to consider how different theories of justice can help you prove that a particular action is unjust. Finally, you need to consider the additional problem of whether a definition of justice is really possible. You should also ask what the consequences would be of not having a definition of justice.

The final paper must be organized in the following sections.


Describe what the paper is going to be about, specify what is the injustice that you picked and why you think that it is worth paying attention to (1p approx)

The problem of justice.

In this section, you must describe the problems about how to define justice, why philosophers have tried to define justice and what is or are your favorite theories of justice. I want to know your personal opinions/arguments and interpretations, so you may not use or quote from other authors than those we read during the semester. (4 pages approx)


The problem of justice in____(the unjust action that you picked).

In this section, you will describe what is the unjust action that you picked, explain in your own words why this injustice deserves our attention, and what theories can help you prove that the action picked is unjust. Use assignments you wrote for this course related to your personal argument, making the changes required to respond to the comments I made. (3 pages approx)


Talk about the problem of having different definitions of justice and how that might affect (if you think it might affect) the case of injustice that you picked. Make a projection about how society might , in future, address the case of injustice you picked. (1 page approx)


List all the books, papers or webpages read or consulted in the preparation of this paper. (1 page approx)

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