Differentiate between a leader and a manager

Differentiate between a leader and a manager
  Differentiate between a leader and a                                         manager

Differentiate between a leader and a manager

Discuss the important features of Maslow’s need hierarchy.

Explain the concept of “tyranny of the or.”

Discuss the general reasons for resistance to change and give an example for each.

Briefly explain five types of teams that can be found in an organization.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of written communication?

List and explain five symptoms of an out-of-control company.

Bureaucracy is an enemy of innovation. Discuss the importance of fostering an organization culture that values innovation.

9 questions.

the text book for this course is management leading & collaboration in a competitive world by Bateman,Snell and Konopaske. thank you.

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