Disaster Recovery in PC Security Incident Response

Disaster Recovery in PC Security Incident Response Team Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Discuss ways organizations have built a CSIRT.

Disaster Recovery in PC Security Incident Response
Disaster Recovery in PC Security Incident Response

What are the components of building an effective and successful CSIRT team?

Disaster Recovery in PC Security Incident Response

The formation of a CSIRT would have a basic pattern as follows:

  1. A team leader: The team leader would be responsible for delegating work and organizing employees according to their skills and knowledge base. He would also have to manage and analyze the incident reports. These reports can be further used in coming up with solutions for better problem-solving techniques.
  2. Lead on Incident: This person would be the one who has to coordinate all the responses to IT security incidents. Depending on the severity of the incident, there may be more than one lead for dealing with the incident. All information about the incident or it’s a resolution should pass through this lead before going to other teams.

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