Discrete Mathematics Assignment Help

Discrete Mathematics
                Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete: Review 2
Turn this sheet in for points by Thursday 3/7
1) Write out the Addition and Multiplication tables for Z?
2) Find the values ?? and ?? so that
1 = 12?? + 23??
3) Shift Cipher
Decrypt INAP ADBQ with encryption shift of 9
4) Affine Cipher
Encrypt: FUN with 11?? + 5 (?????? 26)
5) RSA
Let’s use: ?? = 5, ?? = 11
a) Find ??, ??(??), ??(??)
b) What are the possible public keys using ??(??)?
c) If you choose ?? = 3, find ??
6) Induction
? 2?? + 1 ?

??? = ??(?? + 2)

Use at least three (3) quality references Note: Wikipedia and other related websites do not qualify as academic resources.

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