Discrimination of Maria Term Paper

Discrimination of Maria
Discrimination of Maria

Discrimination of Maria

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Table of Contents

Chosen Topic Scenario: Discrimination of Maria. 3

1.0      Introduction. 3

2.0      Why the selected topic was chosen. 3

3.0      Importance of the chosen topic to the study of cultural diversity. 4

4.0      Research Goals and Plans. 5

4.1      What I will be interested in learning. 5

4.2      What I expect to find. 6

5.0      How the research would be conducted. 7

5.1      Research Method: Mixed Research. 7

5.2      Data Collection. 7

5.3      Sampling of Participants. 8

6.0      Conclusion. 8

7.0      References. 10

Chosen Topic Scenario: Discrimination of Maria

1.0 Introduction

For this research study, the chosen topic scenario is the one about a company’s promotion policy in which a female employee of Latino ancestry named Maria has filed a complaint claiming that she was eliminated in an unfair fashion in consideration for a promotion owing to her distinctive accent. This proposal provides a discussion of the chosen topic scenario and the reason as to why the topic was chosen. A discussion of how the topic is important to the study of cultural diversity is also provided. Moreover, this proposal provides a description of what I expect to find and what I would be interested in learning. Lastly, a detailed description of how I plan to go about this research study is provided.

2.0      Why the selected topic was chosen

Discrimination is essentially a prejudicial treatment on a person owing to the group which this individual is a part of. Although several laws have been enacted in order to prevent discrimination at the place of work, a lot of individuals are still finding themselves discriminated each day (Wood, Braeken & Niven, 2013). The topic scenario was chosen primarily because I am interested in gaining a deeper understanding of workplace discrimination and how this issue can be prevented. I intend to alter the perception of people toward ethnicity, gender and race in order to help individuals avoid judgmental comments and/or actions that can compromise us as a member of the society. Getting rid of discrimination is of major importance owing to not only the negative consequences in job performance, but also the well being of the members of a group.

The chosen topic reflects what is happening today in many places of work. It depicts how discrimination still persists in corporate America notwithstanding the great efforts that have been made in the United States to end discrimination at the workplace, as well as the presence of The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Gedeon (2013) noted that racial discrimination is a fact of life for minority employees and denial of access to opportunities for instance training keep on affecting the non-dominant groups thereby affecting their professional development and also psychological aspects. In the workplace, people encounter not just racial discrimination, but they also encounter discrimination basing on gender, age, religion, nationality, sexual orientation as well as ethnicity. It is of great importance to discuss about the discrimination that exists with non-dominant groups and how discrimination affects not just the employee, but also the employer. According to the International Labor Organization (2014), ethnic minority ladies usually encounter double discrimination within the place of work on account of their gender and their race. A lot of these minority women fail at the application stage just due to their names.

In the United States today, compared to Caucasians, Latinos and Blacks have a less chance of scoring job interviews and job offers. Ladies in the place of work are undervalued and receive less amount of salary compared to male staffs for the same work. Since minority ladies are at a double disadvantage, they are more watchful of discrimination compared to minority men. Consequently, more minority women are likely to view negative treatment as a product of discrimination (Gedeon, 2013).

3.0 Importance of the chosen topic to the study of cultural diversity

The chosen topic is important to the study of cultural diversity in that it will help me to gain an understanding on how embracing cultural diversity within the place of work can actually prevent discrimination. Amadeo (2010) pointed out that cultural diversity is basically when differences in sexual orientation, language, religion, ethnicity, nationality and race are represented in a community. A place of work is considered to be culturally diverse if the workers therein include people from dissimilar groups. Supporting cultural diversity in the place of work is important in the prevention of race-based discrimination. It is of note that addressing cultural diversity in every personnel education and development programs would substantially enhance the skills of the company in the area of cultural awareness. This will benefit the organization’s customers and clients who are from backgrounds that are both culturally and linguistically diverse. Equally important, it would contribute to a non-discriminatory place of work (Choi, Kleiner & Kleiner, 2011).

Embracing cultural diversity in the place of work and fostering an inclusive and fair workplace culture is positive for the company and its staffs. In addition, it is an effectual way of avoiding discrimination and illicit behavior in the place of work. Court cases are costly, and besides the immediate fiscal costs, lawsuits actually reduce the morale, well-being and productivity of workers. In addition, they create brand and reputational damage. Therefore, it is imperative that employees and employers are very much aware of the legal parameters as regards discrimination in the place of work (Stallworth, McPherson & Rute, 2001). Proactive strategies should be utilized in avoiding workplace discrimination.

4.0 Research Goals and Plans

4.1 What I will be interested in learning

What I am interested in learning during this research include the following. First is the prevalence of discrimination in the workplace. I am interested in learning about gender, race, age, sexual orientation and ethnic discrimination that occurs at the workplace; the prevalence of discrimination in terms of socio-demographic, cultural variables and other criteria; instances of workplace discrimination actions; and statistics that demonstrate high prevalence of discrimination in relation to gender, race, and ethnicity. Secondly, I am interested in learning about the various causes of workplace discrimination. I will seek to understand the different situations which could actually result in discrimination. Moreover, I am interested in learning the consequences of workplace discrimination, particularly how employees who face this kind of discrimination are affected emotionally. Finally yet importantly, I am interested to learn about the solutions to workplace discrimination and how this issue can be prevented by not only staff members, but also employers.

4.2 What I expect to find

I am expecting to find that there are several causes of workplace discrimination in the place of work. Some of them include the following: being ignorant of the law; economic factors; failure to recognize personal conflict; inadequately trained employees; lack of professionalism and ethical behavior; sex specific inequalities; and prejudice. As regards the consequences of workplace discrimination, I expect to find that this type of discrimination actually impacts on the job satisfaction and well-being of workers; has an impact on the organization’s overall productivity and financial bottom line; and has an impact on the employer as well. It is of note that discrimination at the place of work could destroy the morale of workers and it has to be addressed owing to the negative impact that it has on minority groups (Stallworth, McPherson & Rute, 2001).                               Regarding the solutions to workplace discrimination, what I expect to find is that this issue could be prevented in a business organization by establishing a more supportive workplace environment. It can also be prevented through policy interventions surrounding conflict and equality, as well as employees’ well-being. I also to expect to find that employers can prevent workplace discrimination in their organizations simply by developing and maintaining workplace culture that does not tolerate discriminatory practices in the organization.

5.0 How the research would be conducted

5.1 Research Method: Mixed Research

This will be a mixed research in which quantitative and qualitative research techniques will both be used. It is of note that the main goal of mixed research techniques is basically to tackle a particular research question from any pertinent angle. A mixed research method is a technique for carrying out research where the investigator collects, analyzes and integrates qualitative research such as interviews, and quantitative research such as questionnaires (Spratt, 2009). Mixed research method will be used in this research since it will allow me to obtain a contextualized and in-depth insight regarding workplace discrimination, whilst counterbalancing the shortcomings inherent to the use of each methodology by itself.

5.2 Data Collection

Secondary Data: Secondary data is essentially data gathered by a different person for some purpose, and is being utilized by the researcher for a different purpose (Sindhu, 2012). For this research study, secondary data will be obtained from scholarly peer-reviewed journals, websites, government publications and government records, magazines as well as books on the subject matter, which is workplace discrimination. Primary Data: this is the data gathered through the use of experiments, interviews, questionnaires and observations. It is the data which the researcher gathers by herself/himself for a given purpose (Sindhu, 2012). For this research, primary data would be collected through the use of qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires. The interview will be largely unstructured and will contained open-ended questions. Conversely, the questionnaire would be structured and it will comprise closed-ended questions.

5.3         Sampling of Participants

A total of 67 subjects will take part in this research, hence the sample size is 67. Participants would be selected through purposive simple random sampling. This sample selection method is one in which every person in the population has equal chance of being picked to participate in the research. The subjects would be managers and staff members in several companies. Some will be presented with the questionnaires to fill out while others would be interviewed in order to get an in depth insight of the subject matter. In data analysis, qualitative data would be analyzed by organizing the collected data into themes. Quantitative data would be analyzed through the use of tables and graphs for easy interpretation of the findings.

6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the chosen topic scenario that would be investigated in this research project is the second scenario in which a female Latino employee claims to have been discriminated upon due to her distinctive accent. This topic scenario was chosen because it will help me to gain a deeper understanding of discrimination in the workplace and the solution to it. Workplace discrimination is major issue that many employees face everyday in their places of work, and is primarily faced by people of color. My goal and opinions are projected to change an individual’s perception towards race, gender, and ethnicity and hopefully this will help us not only at work but also as individuals to avoid judgmental comments or actions that can compromise us as a member of this society. Eradicating discrimination is significant because of the negative consequences in job performance, but more importantly, the well-being of the people who are from a given group. The source of discrimination must be tackled directly to ensure that discrimination does not occur.

7.0 References

Choi, V., Kleiner, K., & Kleiner, B. (2011). New Developments Concerning Age Discrimination In The Workplace.Franklin Business & Law Journal, (1), 63-71.

Gedeon, K. (2013). Minorities and Racial Discrimination in the Workplace: Are We Exaggerating? Available at http://madamenoire.com/279178/minorities-and-racial-discrimination-in-the-workplace-are-we-exaggerating/ (Accessed August 21, 2014).

International Labor Organization. (2014). The Sex and Race Workplace Double Whammy. Available at http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/features/WCMS_203525/lang–en/index.htm (Accessed August 21, 2014).

Sindhu, A. (2012). Research Methodology. Boca Raton, FL: Springer Publishers.

Spratt, C. (2009). Mixed Research Methods. Cleveland, OH: CRC Press.

Stallworth, L. E., McPherson, T., & Rute, L. (2001). Discrimination in the Workplace: How Mediation Can Help. Dispute Resolution Journal, 56(1), 35-87.

Wood, S., Braeken, J., & Niven, K. (2013). Discrimination and Well-Being in Organizations:     Testing the Differential Power and Organizational Justice Theories of Workplace Aggression. Journal Of Business Ethics, 115(3), 617.doi:10.1007/s10551-012-1404-5

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