Diversity in America Research Assignment

Diversity in America
                         Diversity in America

Diversity in America

Diversity in America has undermined the sense of national purpose strengthened the society as a whole explained the demise of American power allowed radical political philosophies to thrive 4 points


James Blight, co-author of Wilson’s Ghost, believes the United States has a special role in the twenty-first century because America can create the most good or the most harm will fulfill God’s mission to spread Christianity can dominate the global economy for the next one hundred years will make the world safe for democracy (4 points)



The Americans with Disabilities Act (1991) led to a significant tax increase required that private businesses be accessible to people with disabilities had to be revised five times before President Bush would sign it was lauded as President Bush’s greatest accomplishment. (4 points)


A major issue dividing supporters and opponents of the North American Free Trade Agreement was the impact of NAFTA on U.S. jobs tariffs and trade barriers. the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade U.S. tax policy. (4 points)



The process of globalization in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries differed from that of earlier eras in respect to its scale and speed trade among different cultures exchange of disease higher cost for services (4 points)


James Blight, co-author of Wilson’s Ghost, believes that in the twenty-first century it is imperative that the American people support nuclear superiority over other nations learn more about people in other countries realize that soft power means little in the modern world appreciate the wisdom of their elected leaders (4 points)


The Iraq War represented a departure from the post-1945 American foreign policy of multilateralism isolationism unilateralism militarism (4 points)


Affirmative action is a policy that pays attention to race and gender in decision-making reverses the gains of the civil rights laws of the 1960s guarantees jobs for unqualified applicants explains why white men have lost status in America (4 points)


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was so hard to resolve because attempts to mediate were insincere major powers had no stake in the struggle both sides were right on key issues Jews and Muslims prefer terrorism over peace (4 points)


Among the initial consequences of the Iraq War was resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict greater polarization at home and hostility abroad lessening of terrorism in Iraq removal of authoritarian rule in Saudi Arabia (4 points)


The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 validated the containment policy applied by the United States since the 1940s removed communism from the world arena assured prosperity for the Russian people illustrated the futility of American “soft” power (4 points)


Economic and social inequalities in contemporary America are a result of lack of effort by the poor legacies of the past failures of the progressive income tax bankruptcy of the welfare system (4 points0


Immigration from Central and South America since 1977 has resulted in diminishing levels of educational opportunities in most cities better working conditions for migrant workers a blending of Latino cultures extension of the bracero program

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