Diversity in the Media and Target Demographics

Diversity in the Media and Target Demographics Locate a magazine/ periodical of your choice (it can’t be a newspaper). Once you have done so find and analyze three ads found inside that magazine:
Research and analyze the target readership of the magazine/periodical you selected: look for clues about targeting gender, age range and economic status.

Diversity in the Media and Target Demographics
Diversity in the Media and Target Demographics

Analyze the specific demographics (gender, age, economic status) to which your selected ad caters. Please be sure to substantiate your claims: WHY do you believe the target demographics are as you describe them? How do the three ads you have selected target those specific demographics?
Write a two-page (at least) report where you address the questions described above. Note that the evaluation of this exercise is based mostly on how well you described the rationale for the choices you make in this report.

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