DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis

DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis Discuss how human error is a factor in DNA analysis.

DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis
DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis

Outline the process of collecting and preparing a DNA sample to be used as evidence. List some factors that can degrade DNA and precautions required to maintain reliable evidence. Explain the Dot blot method, mitochondrial DNA, and familial DNA profiles. In the classical DNA fingerprinting method radio-labeled DNA probes containing minisatellite or oligonucleotide sequences are hybridized to DNA that has been digested with a restriction enzyme, separated by agarose electrophoresis and immobilized on a membrane by Southern blotting or – in the case of the oligonucleotide probes – immobilized directly in the dried gel.

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