Does technology make people have isolation issues?

Does technology make people have isolation issues?
Does technology make people have isolation issues?

Does technology make people have isolation issues?

Use an MLA style heading and header.

  1. Topic Idea
  2. Who are you trying to persuade? Describe your target audience. What do they know? What do they need to know to understand your argument?
  3. What do you know about the background of the topic?
  4. What are you arguing for/against?
  5. What will you need to learn more about?
  6. What is the counterargument?
  7. Who would counter your argument?
  8. How will you refute their counter argument?
  9. What is the outcome of your argument? What would change if people were persuaded to your point of view?
  10. What types of sources do you anticipate using for your essay?
  11. Write a tentative thesis statement.
  12. Do you have any questions?

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