Eating disorders

Using the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and evidence-based scholarly articles, chose an eating or feeding disorder and answer the following questions:

Explain the neurology of this eating or feeding disorder. Does the characterization of this eating or feeding disorder as a mental illness surprise you? What are your thoughts on the personal and/or cultural implications of classifying an eating or feeding disorder in this way, as opposed to a lifestyle choice or a matter of willpower? How might you support a family (or client) who is resistant to this seeing an eating or feeding disorder as a mental illness?
Describe changes in personality and social behavior that might be seen with this eating or feeding disorder. How would you assess for these changes?
Provide an overview of the health consequences and medical complications of this eating or feeding disorder.
Create a treatment plan for an individual diagnosed with this eating or feeding disorder using family-based therapy or other evidence-based therapy.

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