Economic And Political Concept of Gentrification 5 pages
Ï In this assignment, you will make an argument for or against gentrification in the City of Flint, Michigan.

Ï Define the concept of gentrification socially, economically and politically.
Ï Who is the winners and losers with gentrification?
Ï What is the profession of social work’s role at the national, state and local level in addressing this issue?
Ï What is your role as a resident?
Ï Is gentrification taking place currently in the City of Flint, Michigan? If you believe so, provide evidence to support. If you believe not, also support with evidence.
Ï Papers must be typed, double spaced, use1-inch margin, 12-point font and be no longer than 5 pages. Use APA style citation and references. A minimum of 3 scholarly social work references is required.
Ï Use corrects grammar, punctuation, and spelling and coherent and logically arranged thoughts.
Ï Papers should present insight, comprehension, and integration of social work values.
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