Economic Country Survey about Chile

Economic Country Survey about Chile I. Brief description of a startup a luxury resort in Patagonia, Chile. a brief description of the structure of the report and statement of assigned

Economic Country Survey about Chile
Economic Country Survey about Chile

II. Country socioeconomic profile (size, population, demography, income per capita, etc.)
III. Short-term economic performance and prospects.
a. key macroeconomic indicators
b. business cycle positioning
IV. Macroeconomic Policies.
a. Financial indicators, Monetary policy, Financial institutions, and markets
b. Fiscal indicators, Fiscal policy, Public finances
V. External Sector.
a. Trade and Balance of Payments indicators
b. Exchange rate performance, competitiveness
VI. Institutional framework
a. Progress and institutions
b. Law and enforcement
c. Labor market
d. Competition policy
e. Tax policy
f. Trade Policy
g. Political stability
VII. Assessment of Strengths and weaknesses and country overall evaluation (grade the country 1 to 10).
VIII. Annex: Sources and references.

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