Economics International and Domestic Trade Discussion

Economics International and Domestic Trade Discussion Please finish this tableau and report

Must answer each question in 125-word count or more!

Economics International and Domestic Trade Discussion
Economics International and Domestic Trade Discussion

Week 5 Economics -Discussion Questions

Economics, Ch. 29: The Aggregate Expenditures Model

Read pages 643-646.

Consider the following as you read:

How do economists integrate the international sector (exports and imports) into the aggregate expenditures model?

How do economists integrate the public sector (government expenditures and taxes) into the aggregate expenditures model?

Economics, Ch. 33: Money Creation

Read pages 731-743 of Economics.

Consider the following as you read:

Why is the U.S. banking system called a “fractional reserve” system?

How can a bank create money?

Read pages 731-743 of Economics.

Consider the following as you read:

Why is the U.S. banking system called a “fractional reserve” system?

How can a bank create money?

Economics, Ch. 34: Interest Rates and Monetary Policy


Read pages 752-769 of Economics.

Consider the following as you read: How is the equilibrium interest rate determined in the market for money?

What are the goals and tools of monetary policy?

Economics, Ch. 34: Interest Rates and Monetary Policy

Read pages 752-769 of Economics.

Consider the following as you read:

How is the equilibrium interest rate determined in the market for money?

What are the goals and tools of monetary policy?

Economics, Ch. 38: International Trade


Read pages 839-854 and 857-865 of Economics.

Consider the following as you read:

What are the key facts about international trade?

How do differences between world prices and domestic prices prompt exports and imports?

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