Educating for Sustainable Development
Educational institutions are spaces that have the ability to effect societal change. Considering our need for sustainable practices for human and environmental well-being, we are compelled as Global Citizens to make changes no matter how small, that will over time, make a big impact.
As a staunch cosmopolitan, you have decided to start a blog with the aim of educating for sustainable development (ESD) and implementing sustainable practices.
Through this blog you intend on sharing your knowledge and experiences and (hopefully) encourage others to follow suit in their personal and professional lives. Your blog posts must include both a practical and ESD component.
Response Requirements:
a)Niche (~1 page): Choose a blog title, introduce yourself, and describe your niche to your readers (e.g., share the topic, its importance and relevance to your readers, your reason for the blog, set the stage for your content).
b)Blog Post #1 (~1 page): List two life changes that you have planned to or already put in place that will have an impact on the future of human and environmental well-being.
c)Blog Post #2 (~1 page): As a budding educationalist, share an experiential learning activity that families can do with their children or teachers can do with their students that facilitates them in becoming critical creatives (Peterson & Warwick, 2015).
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