Effectiveness of Marketing and Value Based Pricing

Effectiveness of Marketing and Value Based Pricing

Effectiveness of Marketing and Value Based Pricing
Effectiveness of Marketing and Value Based Pricing

Pricing, Advertising, Segmentation

Effectiveness of Marketing and Value Based Pricing

– Each topic is written about 500 words. Each topic is written in one paragraph. Please do not segment. The remaining words are used to write introduction and conclusion,

Let’s take one of the topics as an example: Pricing

  1. In order to improve the effectiveness of marketing, the most important changes that should be made are from traditional cost-based pricing to value-based pricing with better margins and price elasticity.
  2. Then write what should be done, how to improve the effectiveness or efficiency of marketing.
  3. Find a company or brand as an example to prove your point of view.
  4. Discuss your point of view with critical thinking.

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