Effects of homicide on secondary victims

Effects of homicide on secondary victims
Effects of homicide on secondary victims

Effects of homicide on secondary victims


Part 1 : Chapter is attached. I will send u two peers response which u must reply to. approx 4-5 sentences, do not make it long with words please. Response directly to comments.

discussion for this week covers homicide and the experiences/effects of homicide on secondary victims, also known as survivors to homicide victims. Related to homicide, and other violent crimes, we also cover the history, pros, and cons of victim impact statements. Answer the following questions in your discussion post this week:

1. This week we read about and discussed the effects of homicide on secondary victims. Describe two themes identified by the Peterson Armour (2002) study. Did these themes surprise you? What is your reaction to these themes?

2. In lecture and in the reading, I discuss that secondary homicide victims often are isolated from their friends/family and have negative experiences with the police and CJ system. What can be done at the individual, community, and/or institutional levels improve social and systemic responses & post-homicide experiences for these individuals? Provide specific examples from lecture and/or the reading.

3. Do a quick Google search about support resources available to secondary homicide victims. Describe one organization or resource available to this group, including how the services they provide could be helpful and if there are places you see room for improvement.

4. This week we also discussed Victim Impact Statements. While this is relevant to homicide, victim impact statements can theoretically be used in the sentencing of any violent crime. Are you in favor or opposed to victim impact statements? Support your argument with course materials.

Part 2:
Select one of the following scenarios and write a victim impact statement. You need to pretend this crime actually happened to you. Describe the details about the crime, the feelings you experienced, and the harm you suffered. It must be a complete statement about how this crime affected your life.

The victim impact statement should be one page, typed, SINGLE SPACED (minimum). This assignment is worth 10 points. You will be graded on meeting the length requirement (4 points) as well as inclusion of the following elements in a detailed, complete response:

The crime that was committed against you or your loved one. Feel free to create details about the crime not included in the scenario (2 points).
How the crime has affected you and others emotionally, physically, and financially, or in other ways, and at multiple levels of the social ecology. Include details about the “ripple effect” this victimization has created in your life. Be detailed and descriptive! (2 points)
What type of sentence would you like the offender to receive? Discuss whether you’d like the offender to receive rehabilitation, prison (and length of sentence), the death penalty, etc. and whether you are seeking restitution from the offender. (2 points)

Scenario 1:

You are the family member of a person who was shot and killed. The suspect has been tried and found guilty for murder.

Scenario 2:

You were the victim of an armed robbery. You were robbed at gunpoint while walking off-campus to your car after class. The offender stole your wallet and jewelry and threatened to kill you if you did not comply. The offender has been found guilty.

Scenario 3:

You are a survivor to intimate partner violence. Your partner was emotionally and physically abusive toward you for several months until you ended the relationship. He/she continues to call and text you, and sometimes shows up at your work and home, making threats. You’re in the process of filing an order of protection. You plan to read the victim impact statement at your court hearing to secure the order of protection.

Scenario 4:

You are the parent of a 5-year-old child who has been sexually assaulted by a worker at the day care where you leave your child during the day when you work. The offender is on trial for sexual assault of a minor.

Part 3: Make it up please.

Each student will select a topic for their term paper that allows them to explore the wider social context of victimology through a review of existing research and through conducting two interviews with individuals who have been affected by crime. The topic should be something where students can identify relevant scholarly articles to include in the literature review. In addition to topic selection, students will also provide the information for two individuals they intend to interview (i.e., name or pseudonym, how you know them, and how they relate to your topic as an individual affected by the
crime) as well as a list 5 potential questions you will ask each interviewee. For details regarding interviewee selection criteria, topic selection, and requirements of the Term Paper Topic Selection and Plan assignment, see the Term Paper document.Preview the document

Topic : Growing up in an abusive home

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