Emergency Operations Centers Assignment

Emergency Operations Centers
Emergency Operations Centers

Assignment: Emergency Operations Centers

Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) facilitate the execution of disaster response and recovery efforts in that they ìhouseî the personnel, equipment, and resources used during the operations. Certain disasters emerge rather spontaneously while others take a while to develop. As such, installing and opening up an EOC varies from disaster event to disaster event. Nevertheless, the function and structure of an EOC is vastly critical to the disaster response and recovery effort.

The Assignment (2-4 pages)

For this Assignment, consider the relationship between the EOC and Incident Command System (ICS) structures. Then examine the multiagency coordination systems within and outside the EOC. Finally, using the natural disaster and the community that you selected (The pass of Hurricane Maria in Rio Grande, P.R) for your Final Project, submit a paper on the following:

  • Describe the EOC that will be used to respond to the event.
  • Explain whether the EOC will be a full-time, dedicated facility or a designated building that will be converted to an EOC should a crisis occur.
  • Describe the physical configuration of the EOC.
  • Describe any alternative operating facilities that have been identified.
  • Explain the relationship between the EOC and the ICS structures as it relates to coordination of activities.
  • Explain how multiple agencies involved in this disaster might coordinate their efforts.

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