Employee job satisfaction and productiveness

Employee job satisfaction and productiveness
   Employee job satisfaction and productiveness

Employee job satisfaction and productiveness

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This papers become very interesting going forward from hear as the writer has to write everything base on the problem statement crafted in 113135 even though that paper was terribly written. The topic to always keep in mind is (Employee job satisfaction and productiveness).

Introducing Your Introduction.
The introduction to a research study has a proscribed purpose and functionality that sets it apart from introductions you have probably read in books and popular literature. Although the introduction should engage the reader, it should also highlight particular information about the study and its orientation. Take note that everything should be center around your topic which is Employee job satisfaction and productivity, that you started in the problem statement.

Using the sample outline for an introduction on p. 100 and the annotated sample on pp. 100–102 of your course text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, write an Introduction that addresses and includes the elements suggested by this week’s Learning Resources. For the purposes of this paper, you should assume that your Literature Review from last Week was exhaustive and that it included substantive breadth and depth of the scholarship with regard to your topic (Employee job satisfaction and productivity). Consider the following in preparing your Introduction:

• Is the opening sentence engaging, and does it encourage readers to continue?

• Is a problem or issue identified that justifies this study?

• Is the problem framed in a way that is consistent with the research approach?

• Do you refer to groups of studies to justify the problem’s importance?

• Do you cite recent literature (within the past 10 years)?

• Are specific deficiencies in past studies identified?

• Do you explain how the study will address these efficiencies?

• Do you explain why the study is significant for audiences?

• Is the Introduction limited to about 2 pages?

• Is the Introduction well-written and easy to read?

• Course Text

• Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches

o Chapter 5, “The Introduction” (pp. 97–110)

o Chapter 6, “The Purpose Statement” (pp. 111–127)

o Chapter 7, “Research Questions and Hypotheses” (pp. 129–143)

This series of chapters presents the first elements of a research study that are common in both articles and in more extensive research literature. Each element is presented in terms of its component elements and nuanced differences that are determined by the research methods that govern a given study. Best practices and common formats and templates guide you through the preparation of these elements.

• Media

• Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer.) (2008). Purposes of research. Baltimore: Executive Producer.



Job satisfaction and productiveness are directly related but the nature of work engagement determines the level of job satisfaction and the required output per employee. According to Bakker (2011) Job satisfaction and the level of productivity differs from one employee to the other. Employees are motivated differently depending on their preferences and work engagement. Satisfied and engaged workers approach their duties and obligation with dedication, energy and focus. These workers are more productive, open minded and are always ready to go extra mile. Employees’ job satisfaction is achieved by motivation and provision of favorable working conditions.

However, high quality performance is also witnessed only when the job demands are high and the personal resources of individual employees are also conducive to quality production. For example, employee’s self-esteem and optimism are crucial and contribute significantly to the eventual quality of the company’s output (Bakker, 2011). These personal attributes allow the employees to remain in good health hence the ability to focus clearly on the demands of the job. Social support, autonomy, growth and an effective feedback system are also some of the job resources that create a suitable environment for job satisfaction.

A company must research on all the motivation factors that resonate well with their employees. The level of performance can be greatly eroded if the motivation factors are not consistent with the employee’s wishes or are lacking all together (Zenoff, 2013). Some workers are motivated by their own achievements or by recognition of their efforts. It’s the company management’s task to identify what the company needs to optimize the workers productivity (Stack, 2013).

Dr. Rollings from the Hay group in the US developed a scientific model that linked employee opinion and business performance (Corporate Leadership Council, 2003). Among its findings was that there was a correlation between employee satisfaction and company performance but there was no causation between other different aspects of company and employee performance. The issue of causation was not addressed as the purpose statement was whether the improved performance and productivity was as a result of employee satisfaction only or other factors also contributed to the improved performance.

However, it was noted in a study conducted in 2001 by Personnel Psychology that positive behaviors and also attitudes directly influenced the company’s outcomes. Positive behaviors and attitudes in employees can only be attributed to good working terms and relationship from the employer (Corporate Leadership Council, 2003). These effects can only be achieved if the employees working terms are favorable and the working environment is also friendly. The study did not conclude if it’s true that good business performance can also influence the behaviors and attitudes of employees.

The study later categorized employee satisfaction and attitudes into five employee behaviors that were measurable; altruism, civic virtue, courtesy, conscientiousness and sportsmanship. Participants were measured along the five categories against employee turnover rates, employee population and compared with the company’s financial performance. The research question and the hypotheses still remain whether employee satisfaction can be applied to determine the company’s future profitability and if they also contribute to customer satisfaction and increased productivity per se.


Bakker, A.B. (2011) Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Productivity- They are a Virtuos Cycle; Association for Psychological Science retrieved July 22, 2015 from http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/news/releases/work-engagement-job-satisfaction-and-productivitytheyre-a-virtuous-cycle.html

Corporate Leadership Council (2003) Linking Employee Satisfaction with Productivity, Performance and Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Executive Board Retrieved July 22, 2015 from http://www.keepem.com/doc_files/clc_articl_on_productivity.pdf

Stack, L. (2013). Managing employee performance: Motivation, ability, and obstacles. Highlands Ranch, CO: Productivity Pro.

Zenoff, D. B. (2013) The soul of the organization: How to ignite employee engagement and productivity. Place of publication not identified: A press.

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