Environmental Factor on Nitrogen Oxide Presentation slides must include a reference list either as the last slide to the presentation or on a separate sheet of A4. A total of around 10-15 slides
is recommended.

40% is the minimum pass mark for this assignment.
The following features may be useful to consider as a guide of what to emphasis:
The following features will be assessed on a individual basis.
Content 40%
Well constructed argument with evidence of creative thinking, illustrated with research and policy based examples
Critical analysis 30%
Critical evaluation of appropriate evidence.
Communication 15%
Ability to communicate clearly, without over reliance on notes.
The following features will be assessed on a group basis.
Structure, time management, visual aids/tables, answering questions
10% The presentation should flow i.e. introduction, body, conclusion with no repetition. Students are expected to adhere strictly to the time limit of 15
minutes. Visual appearance of the slides including clarity of text and use of diagrams and charts will be considered. Your ability to answer questions about
your topic at the end will be considered.
Integrated use of relevant, recent, key references from a range of sources. Any materials you have referenced must be acknowledged according to the
referencing format shown in Pears and Shields (2016) ‘Cite them Right’. You may also include a bibliography if you wish.
Environmental Factor on Nitrogen Oxide Referencing Requirements
topic of presentation:
Environmental factor– Nitrogen Oxide
Health outcome : Asthma
Learning Outcome
Debate the impact of environmental inequality, policies and politics on health
Consider a range of possible challenges and solutions to environment and health issues in health promotion/public health practice.
With the guidance and approval of the Module Leader, you will choose an environment and health issue to be presented in small groups
This is a group presentation including 15 minutes allocated for presentation in total and 5 minutes question and answer time from the assessors.
Along with the presentation. Students are required to submit to the module leader a statement of their individual contribution. This statement must be signed
by all group members.
The presentation must include:
Statement of the environment and health issue.
Environmental inequality factors than impact on the issue
Political factors and policies that impact on the issue.
Solutions to the proposed problem based on research evidence and Public Health and Health Promotion principles.
Discussion of the ethical, political and social issues related to the proposed solutions. Presentation of advantages and disadvantages of proposed solutions
from the perspective of all relevant stakeholders
You must submit your presentation slides to the assessors on the assessment day both printed and via USB/ email to the Module Leader.
Presentation slides must include a reference list either as the last slide to the presentation or on a separate sheet of A4. A total of around 10-15 slides
is recommended.
40% is the minimum pass mark for this assignment.
The following features may be useful to consider as a guide of what to emphasise:
The following features will be assessed on a individual basis.
Content 40%
Well constructed argument with evidence of creative thinking, illustrated with research and policy based examples
Critical analysis 30%
Critical evaluation of appropriate evidence.
Communication 15%
Ability to communicate clearly, without over reliance on notes.
The following features will be assessed on a group basis.
Structure, time management, visual aids/tables, answering questions
10% The presentation should flow i.e. introduction, body, conclusion with no repetition. Students are expected to adhere strictly to the time limit of 15
minutes. Visual appearance of the slides including clarity of text and use of diagrams and charts will be considered. Your ability to answer questions about
your topic at the end will be considered.
Integrated use of relevant, recent, key references from a range of sources. Any materials you have referenced must be acknowledged according to the
referencing format shown in Pears and Shields (2016) ‘Cite them Right’. You may also include a bibliography if you wish.
Environmental Factor on Nitrogen Oxide Reading List
Readings and activities will be given to you weekly and it is essential to your learning that you keep up with these. These will prepare you for each lecture
and for your assessments. The books detailed in the module specification are useful background reading materials.
Supporting materials and advice
Guidelines for referencing, including when, how and what to reference are included in ‘Cite them Right’ – see reference below. You must use the style of
referencing detailed in this book when referencing all pieces of coursework.
Pears R. and Shields G (2016) Palgrave Study Skills. Cite them right. The essential referencing guide. London: Palgrave Macmillan
You should access the library databases for journals. Try Swetswise, Science Direct or EBSCO (there are others). Paper versions of journals as also kept in
the library. There are plenty of other journals in the library that would be useful to you. Please make sure you obtain an Athens account in the library
which will enable you to search a variety of databases when you are not on campus. Useful journals include:
Health Education & Behaviour
Health Education Journal
Health Education Research: Theory and Practice
Health Promotion International
Health Promotion Practice
Social Science and Medicine
Environmental Factor on Nitrogen Oxide Further Resources
WHO – Public Health and the Environment