Essay Review;Living Like Weasels vs Why I went to the woods

Essay Review
Essay Review

Essay Review;Living Like Weasels and Why I went to the woods

Write an essay where you compare and contrast the particular values, beliefs, or convictions expressed in Annie Dillard’s “Living Like Weasels” and Henry David Thoreau’s “Why I went to the woods”. Use examples from the essays to support your ideas.

Nature writers are constantly probing, traumatizing, thrilling, and soothing their own minds and by extension those of their readers inquest not only of consciousness itself, but of an understanding of
consciousness. Their descriptions of this exalted mental condition tend to be variable and elusive, their terminologies more suggestive than definitive. Thoreau himself (drawing upon classical sources
and daily cycles for his imagery) favors the notion of “awakening”; Dillard uses the word “awareness” to describe this state, though for Dillard such activities as “seeing” and “stalking” are also metaphors for stimulated consciousness.

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