Since this is an Ethical Hacking class, I think that it is important to discuss some real-world events. This paper is going to be geared towards malicious malware. In your paper, please address the following questions:
1.What exactly was the Russo-Georgian War? Length of time? Details on the War.
2.From a Cyber perspective, what is the significance of this conflict?
3.What was some of the cyber maneuvers Russia used against Georgia?
4.Now that you have researched #1 and #2, could this methodology be used against another nation state, e.g. United States, Germany, Estonia? Why or Why not? Explain\Elaborate on your reasoning.
Guideline for Extra Points
This is for additional points and are counted as extra credit. This is not a mandatory class requirement, but extra credit so the below rules are being applied. If these are not exactly adhered to, no credit will be assessed.
Every paper should have a title page, table of contents, and reference page (these do not count for total page count)
Text must be in Times New Roman font, 11pt, double spacing. Every paper must have an initial summary and conclusion section.
The paper itself (body) should be between 4 and 6 pages, no more, no less.
There must be a minimum of 7 scholarly references cited for any bonus point paper.
APA format and citation will be adhered to throughout the paper.
It must be checked via Turnitin for authenticity/accuracy. It must also have a <10% similarity report (Reference page will not be counted).
The paper and the Turnitin report should then be emailed to me no later than (NLT) the assigned due date.
o Note CNN, NY Times, FoxNews, Reuters, ANY Blog or Forum, PC Magazine, Wired, Wikipedia, PC World, TechRepublic, ZDNet, Bleeping Computer, Dark Reading, Threatpost, CNET, Hacker News, etc. are NOT considered scholarly. You may cite them, but ensure you have your minimum scholarly references as well.
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